Quad tracked riff..


On the Serpentine Path
Apr 16, 2005
Hi all, I attempted recording guitar seriously for the first time, using the technique mentioned in the clayman sound thread. What do you make of the guitar texture? I already posted this somewhere else and it was liked, but I'd like to get the opinions of someone in the metal scene... We are trying to get a heavy but balanced kind of sound, perhaps similar to Opeth's Deliverance album (ok perhaps i'm setting my sight too far, but anyway...)

Ps. I left the 'drums' there just to get an idea of what the riff will sound like with a kick.

Any comments appreciated

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edit: uhh sorry I posted this in the wrong area i think.. I just put it in the mix section, sorry
For your first serious recording it sounds pretty good. It's missing some "chunk" or "chug" imo. Doesnt seem to have to much nasty stuff going on. Good job! :headbang:
I see thanks for the comment... Would you suggest boosting some of the lows? (I cut below 80Hz) I saw that you record with the powerball, what settings do you use? I recorded this using the third channel and gain set at about 10 o'clock. More gain gives more chunk but also more high end fizz...
The cutting of the 80hz shouldn't take away too much chug. I find the chug is in 100-200 range. Maybe i'm wrong.

Try and capture as much low end chug in the initial recording so you dont need to boost.

I generally record my PB with the Mic right up against the grill 2 cm right of the speaker cone then angled at 45 degrees. Seems to work best for me!

Im sure others can help you as im still new to recording awell. :loco:

Gain I keep at 12 O'clock on Channel 3.

You probably dont even need more "chug". That was just my personal observation .For Opeth, and with some bass it should be fine.