Mixing quad-tracked guitars.


SSL Studios
Feb 19, 2007
I've quad-tracked guitars for my band's track. Here's how the chain is for the moment.

Guitar 1 (100% L) : GTune - TSE808 - Le456 - LeCab with s-preshigh impulse.
Guitar 2 (75% L) : GTune - TSE808 - LeCto - LeCab with GuitarHack's Edge Sneap impulse.
Guitar 3 (100% R) : GTune - TSE808 - Le456 - LeCab with s-preshigh impulse.
Guitar 4 (75% R) : GTune - TSE808 - LeCto - LeCab with GuitarHack's Edge Sneap impulse.

The settings of the amp is that I have the 456 as the midsy, ballsy tone whilst the LeCto is more of the trebly, scooped tone. All four of the takes were really tight to the grid. I just wanna know if this is the right setup for quad-tracked guitars?

Also, I'm having problems with the levels on the LeCto tracks. Each time if there's a palm mute, there would be a clear spike in the level, somewhat up to 2db increase. Is that perfectly normal for a Mesa amp sim or am I doing something wrong with the chain?

One last thing, how do you guys EQ and Compress the quad-tracked guitars for that huge, thick sound in the mix? I had all of the tracks into one Bus and added just EQ ; HPF on 120hz, LPF at 15khz.

I didn't do much compression as I didn't think it would be a good idea for the tracks but the LeCto's giving me a headache so I'm really not too sure.

EDIT : Also, I'm using SD 2.0 for drums, I've managed to get a decent sound off it and I was thinking, if I had it on separate outputs in Cubase, will it bypass the FX/Compressors/ I had in SD 2.0?