Quality mastering information


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
Hey guys,

Wanted to get a bunch of sources compiled to get some quality mindset/methodology/technique related things sorted in regards to mastering.

What are some of your favourite online sources, posts, books etc. for general mastering information?

B.Katz's 'Mastering Audio' is No.1 for sure. You can also try out the 'The Mastering Engineer's Handbook' by B.Owsinski, but it's more of a collection of interviews then anything else.
B.Katz's 'Mastering Audio' also.. Great book. Covers almost every topic
+1 on B.katz.... god knows what i understood of that book hahhahaah! I guess mastering is one of those disciplines where you end up abstract and esoteric in one hand or just very very practical. I think that the big question is "What is mastering?" It can go from a little scoop here and there and making things louder, or a complete rework of the energy and the soundscape of a song.
I started on that book, but it became esoteric way too fast for me. Does he ever go into practical information, or does it read a bit like wank the entire way through?

Its hard to find a "practical" book on mastering.. They usually speak in generalities.

I have yet to find an up to date mastering book that is catered to the digital era.