Quality Mic Stands


Apr 12, 2002
Cambridge, Ontario, Canada
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So I have a bunch of mic stands I've bought over the past few months from the music store, they are decent but I've already had the thread strip on one of the boom adjustment clamps and now that stand is pretty much useless. Can anyone recommend some good stands that I can slowly accumulate? I don't need the best stands on earth, just reliable stands made of quality parts that won't strip or break, and if you know of a good place to get them at the best price that would be sweet too. I was looking at K&M stands because those seem to be highly regarded but they are sort of pricey when you are buying like 16 of them.

Maybe I'm better off buying those 10 packs from Musicians Friend and just chucking them when I get a dud that breaks? I could easily spend $1500 on a set of K&M stands when I could get 150 generic boom stands for that price...
I've been using a quik-lok stand for a few years to mic up my amp and it still works great, and I just put together a desk from them that is really well designed and "built" (I use quotes since it was some assembly required, but the parts were solid), so I'm developing a fair amount of faith in the company. Unless you're recording, I dunno, a grand piano or something, I doubt you need the absolute perfect precision that those K & M stands afford; maybe get a pair for OH's, but even then, I'd be happy with more of the type of Quik Lok I have. The most important thing for durability is to not over tighten; I always tighten until it won't give under a *gentle* tug and leave it at that.
All the quik lok stands I've seen have been absolute fucking garbage. all the moving parts are plastic, really cheap plastic.

Try out the stands before you buy a bunch of them, especially if you're looking at the cheapie ones.

Hercules stands are very sturdy and have nice features, but are $80 each.
This is something I've been looking at too- I need a few more and wouln't mind buying 2-3 decent ones for overheads and snare. there's nothing worse than setting a snare mic just how you want it and having it drop down slowly after 30 seconds onto your rim or skin
53Crëw;7279834 said:
FWIW, for mic'ing cabs and also a good choice for snares, etc. , I use this:

It's quite adjustable and has held up well for me... I can set up the mic placement and leave it for weeks without the mic moving.

I also use AKG tripod-style mic stands with booms. Haven't had any issues with them and they are quite solid.


Yeah they have those at college, old as fuck but still work great! I have cheaper lighter versions of those, they work aight.