Queensryche arrested in Holland ...


Apr 29, 2004
Queensryche was arrested today (11th) at the Amsterdam airport today for smuggling illegal firearms!
hmm, wonder what happened there ?? Sounds pretty stupid to take firearms on a plane to the US .....
That's unreal! Pretty stupid to take firearms on any plane regardless of it's destination.
I heard the "illegal firearm" was actually a plastic gun Tate's using as a stage prop in the Mindcrime show. A true Spinal Tap moment for sure... and in the Netherlands, of all places! Toy guns are probably the only thing that's illegal there... :D
Oh yeah, it would also be pretty stupid of them to take a plane to the US when they're playing in Helsinki tonight...:cool:
Well at least they didn't try to smuggle grass into Holland :D

NP: Waterclime - 'Painting Without Colors'
a plastic gun, hahah. I once cracked up airport security when they saw a skull(well a cast of skull) in an ammo box. They didnt seem to care too much nor did they ask me to take it out of the box, I caught my plane...
Back in the 80s thrash Metal band Atomkraft were pulled up by Airport customs, on a flight back from Holland, they were asked to open up there bags when they did Customs officials discovered bags full of Hammers, Knives, Studded Gasmasks, Swords, Chains, Baseball bats etc, etc..oh and a few condoms...it was all of course stage gear but "ha" those were the days............plastic guns..paa......lol:Smokin:
carnut said:
Queensryche was arrested today (11th) at the Amsterdam airport today for smuggling illegal firearms!
hmm, wonder what happened there ?? Sounds pretty stupid to take firearms on a plane to the US .....

Is there any news on this? Apart from the rather vague news clipping there has been no news. It might be that this is a hoax but I would like to have more info on this before I conclude that.
A friend of mine posted something about it that he picked off a message board. And then someone else posted a link to a news story. Sounds like it's real but not a big deal. The two stories match up fairly well. Here's the message board story:

"What a day! At the airport in Amsterdam we were all lined up at the ticket counter checking in for the flight to Oslo. The 35 pieces of luggage to check were being lined up and I turned to ADAM, our Tour manager and whispered Remember there's a gun in our bags referring to the replica Glock 45 handgun that we use on stage. In a second of confusion he says to the ticket agent, Oh yeah, not to worry but we have a gun in this suitcase. Before he could explain that it wasn¹t a real gun but a replica, airport Police swarmed in on us and the questioning began. Apparently, unknown to us, any gun, whether real or fake, is highly illegal in Holland. Quick thinking ADAM realized that this was suddenly getting ugly and that we might get detained and miss the flight, thus putting the show in Oslo in jeopardy. He instantly informed them that the bag in question was his. Before I could blink, they arrested him and took him away. He looked back at me and said, Don't worry get on the plane and I'll call you later. As I watched him being led away the ticket agent handed me my boarding pass and said, Have a nice flight. Right. The rest of the entourage boarded the plane and journeyed to Oslo without further incident. Just before show time a very stressed out ADAM burst into our dressing room full of tales from his eventful day. There was no jail time only a fine and oh yeah ? they confiscated the gun. I was in Oslo in January for a press tour and it was snowing and minus 10 below, but today it was sunny and 80 degrees. I love Oslo, it's a very beautiful city and the people are friendly and really love music. The show keeps getting better and the fans that were there, although small in number, were loud and very supportive."

And here's the news story:

(6/13/06 - LOS ANGELES, CA) - Queensryche have learned that even a toy gun brought on an airplane can be considered smuggling.

The band's label representative says Queensryche was checking in at Amsterdam's airport for a flight to Oslo, Norway. He says one of the bags contained a prop toy gun that singer Geoff Tate uses in their stage show.

He says all guns, even toys, are considered illegal in Norway. He says Queensryche's tour manager was detained and had to pay a fine, but has since been released.
I had (still have) a belt buckle that is a Colt semi-auto pistol. I was like 14 years old, walking through a Florida airport with my parents, and got the third degree from airport security. They said I could use it to take control of a plane. I think the pewter loop that attaches it to the blet would probably be a dead giveaway, but whatever.......lol
(not to mention it was about the size a bic lighter......)
J-Dubya 777 said:
I had (still have) a belt buckle that is a Colt semi-auto pistol. I was like 14 years old, walking through a Florida airport with my parents, and got the third degree from airport security. They said I could use it to take control of a plane. I think the pewter loop that attaches it to the blet would probably be a dead giveaway, but whatever.......lol
(not to mention it was about the size a bic lighter......)
that sounds completely pathetic! Yeah a micro bullet from a minature pewter gun is sooo dangerous....
Priest of Evil said:
that sounds completely pathetic! Yeah a micro bullet from a minature pewter gun is sooo dangerous....

No pathetic is not allowing you to get into the plane with spare parts for a Gillete Mach 3, it will take anyone a zillion years to cut someone in a dmaging way withone of those :mad:

NP: Cheap Trick - 'I Want You To Want Me'
:Smokin: Cmon people I aint heard anyone come up with anything more impressive than my last message....We had , Swords, Knives, Hammers, Chains, Baseball bats, etc etc on us as we went from Holland back to England...surely their are some shoebombers or sumink out there who can better this story? www.Agankast.com