QUEENSRYCHE August Oz tour details.

Congrats to EYEFEAR for the 2 support slots on this tour. Also great to see youngsters DARKER HALF getting these opportunities! Will be a killer tour!!!:worship:




Great show last night guys. It's a shame you had so many mishaps on stage, but you guys still sounded awesome. My girlfriend really likes you guys, she was singing along and everything. lol!

Here are some photos I took. I'll be uploading all the Eyefear, and the rest of Queensryche in the morning.

Sadly I couldn't photograph Darker Half because we had to find a park, and by the time we did, we arrived alittle to late for me to head to the front to take photos. Darker Half still kicked ass though. Sounded great.





Apart from the drums going walkabout, that was one of the best performances I've seen from you guys yet. The new heavier material translates REALLY well to the stage.

We had the gremlins on stage with us. Everything was going wrong. We didn't even get a sound check which 9 times out of ten leads to disaster. Looking forward to our show at the Espy. We will have some very special guests joining us on stage too which will be alot of fun. More will be revealed soon. Thanks for your support as always.