Question About A Vendor

Savage Pumpkin

AKA Mr. Future World
Sep 6, 2008
Skokie, IL
I have a question I hope you guys can maybe shed some light on. I am a huge customer of a store here in Chicago called Metal Haven. The guy who owns it, Mark, is great. Anything I'm interested in getting he orders for me. If its coming out and I want it, its there right after its released. So, the latest thing I'm itching for is the latest Gamma Ray DVD and seperate 2CD set of "Hell Yeah". My friends also know that I am jazzed for this release as well. Well today one of them sent me a link to CDINZANE and there they are in the NEW RELEASE section and available IN STOCK. So I call Mark and he is bewildered about it. Nice enough he doesn't slam the place just says its more than probable that they don't have it. Then a customer in his store in the background says that CDINZANE is known for this practice? I don't want to blast anyones business at all but want to find out how someone that I really don't know and have never heard before can get something so fast albeit before ANYONE ELSE IN THE USA?. Or is is just a case of throwing it in a NEW RELEASE section to get some orders? Thanks for your help.

Email/call them and see if they have it in stock. If its not in stock, don't order from them. You can do a search on CDINZANE or INZANE on these forums to get various peoples opinions on this vendor. Some people have no issues with them, others are not happy and avoid.

If its released in Europe, likely he has it. CDINZane does a lot of importing. And the price might be marked up. If I were you, I'd continue to solicit your local place and wait till they have it.
I love Metal Haven too, though power metal is definitely not a top priority for the store's inventory. Black and death is their major movers. Lots of times they don't get new power metal releases until months after release date.
I have a question I hope you guys can maybe shed some light on. I am a huge customer of a store here in Chicago called Metal Haven. The guy who owns it, Mark, is great. Anything I'm interested in getting he orders for me. If its coming out and I want it, its there right after its released. So, the latest thing I'm itching for is the latest Gamma Ray DVD and seperate 2CD set of "Hell Yeah". My friends also know that I am jazzed for this release as well. Well today one of them sent me a link to CDINZANE and there they are in the NEW RELEASE section and available IN STOCK. So I call Mark and he is bewildered about it. Nice enough he doesn't slam the place just says its more than probable that they don't have it. Then a customer in his store in the background says that CDINZANE is known for this practice? I don't want to blast anyones business at all but want to find out how someone that I really don't know and have never heard before can get something so fast albeit before ANYONE ELSE IN THE USA?. Or is is just a case of throwing it in a NEW RELEASE section to get some orders? Thanks for your help.


In all fairness, things are often time released earlier in Europe, so Zane imports the product in that way. Maybe that's the case with the Gamma Ray DVD.

I have been going to Haven for the past like 7 years every saturday pretty much. I am one of thier biggest customers....but like Jasonic said...they are slow with some powermetal. Mark isnt a huge fan so he doesnt stay up on it.
Lots of times he said he will find out about stuff the week it is out from the vendors / labels. So if the Gamma Ray DVD is coming out in three weeks...he will find out on week two or if he is given a heads up from a supplier...he will know sooner.

Savage Pumpkin....he wasnt holding the Magician CD for you a few weeks back was he????
Hmm... I bought the latest Gamma Ray off of iTunes last week (after a business trip to Tucson - lovely area). Great album! Can't wait for the dvd.
Do yourself a favor: If you need to order online, stick to Laser's Edge or the bands label itself. I've gotten some great stuff from Ken and the labels in Europe. Most of my Nightwish and Sonata collection are imports. To be fair, CD Inzane has stuff that is VERY hard to get and the prices are reasonable for what you are getting, ESPECIALLY if you are into bands from Asia. Then CD Inzane is a good bet. Otherwise, stick to the first two.