this is a pretty neat article. i had a question however. the whole IMPACT thing sounded intresting to me. if i am putting the drums in the mix i am going to think ok "this" is how i want them to sound on this album lets say and this is the perspective i want. this is a little more useful i guess formore dynamic music not so much for crazy metal but for stuff like tool or deftones things of that nature.
my question is this, if my MAIN perspective is my overheads placed over the drummers head at like 5 or 6 feet above the drumset (median) and i have all the other parts of the kit miced then maybe i should follow the 1 ft = 1 ms rule that the article suggests and delay all the seperatly mic'd elements such as the hi hat, kick, snare, etc. to add more attack and "bigness" to the drum sound. is there anyone who could comment on this. basically to wrap it up, using one "focal point" for a mix and then delaying all other individual elements in accordance to their distance from that focal.
ps - maybe im a dummy and an experienced engineer would be like "yea no shit your supposed to do this" but ive never heard of the delay thing so im intrested to hear more seasoned guys chime in.
this is a pretty neat article. i had a question however. the whole IMPACT thing sounded intresting to me. if i am putting the drums in the mix i am going to think ok "this" is how i want them to sound on this album lets say and this is the perspective i want. this is a little more useful i guess formore dynamic music not so much for crazy metal but for stuff like tool or deftones things of that nature.
my question is this, if my MAIN perspective is my overheads placed over the drummers head at like 5 or 6 feet above the drumset (median) and i have all the other parts of the kit miced then maybe i should follow the 1 ft = 1 ms rule that the article suggests and delay all the seperatly mic'd elements such as the hi hat, kick, snare, etc. to add more attack and "bigness" to the drum sound. is there anyone who could comment on this. basically to wrap it up, using one "focal point" for a mix and then delaying all other individual elements in accordance to their distance from that focal.
ps - maybe im a dummy and an experienced engineer would be like "yea no shit your supposed to do this" but ive never heard of the delay thing so im intrested to hear more seasoned guys chime in.