a dumb question about cubase...


Micah Amstutz
Jan 1, 2009
NE Ohio
until recently I always used fx sends rather than buses (I know, I'm a n00b). I've started using buses now, and love it! but my question is this... when I export the mix to master it, how do I export ALL of the buses? it only lets me select one bus as the output... or maybe I am just overlooking something.
Do you want a mixdown of JUST one of the busses or a regular mixdown? If you want a regular mixdown of everything you hear, just select the Master Bus and it will bounce everything like normal.
Create a master bus and route all the other buses' output to the master bus. (incase it doesn't have a master output selectable)
Cubase makes a Master Bus by default. Also, every Group/Bus you create defaults to the Master Bus for their output. So, again, all he would need is to bounce with the Master Bus selected as the ouput in the export audio window.
Yeah you need to be using "Group Channels" and not making output buses in the vst connections. If that's what you mean.