Question about Atlanta Iced Earth/Evergrey show...

Seriously that area is right in the middle of having new yuppie loft apartments built while still having a lot of 'by the hour' *wink wink* hotels all over the place.

... although the chances that MARTA will still be running after the show is over is slim. Make arrangements to catch a ride with someone after the show to a decent hotel.
I'd rather park at the Globe Theater (which I have) on Memorial Drive in DeKalb than park my car near the Masquerade. By the way, there aren't any hotels around that area. Just ghetto apartment complexes. Stay at a hotel in midtown and call a cab. DO NOT WALK BACK TO YOUR HOTEL!
Yeah, every street corner of that area is like a little hangout for unsavory types, especially outside the gas stations and fast food joints, and if you're a white guy, especially a white guy who probably looks like most of you on here, then take Glen's advice, because folks won't take to kindly to you.
yeah, i'd watch my step too man. i try not to go to any more shows at the masquerade for this reason, and the place has kinda started sucking. Rave Night downstairs, King Diamond upstairs...just dont mix
I actually work behind and up from the masquerade ( about 10 min walk ) in a bunch of expensive loft apartments. There does not seem to be a lot crime right there.

If anyone needs a ride, I know a good number of people who are going to the show, and we are all locals with cars. Just email me closer to the concert.