question about Dave Murray

not sure...
do you go hunting with a bow too? turkey day is coming up- brings me back to life in missouri- driving down the road and seeing all sorts of animals hanging from trees. i ate the weirdest stuff while living there...mmmm smoked squirrel! i tried a little bit, then the carcass sat in my fridge cuz no one else would eat it. lol, it was all stretched out like it was a flying supersquirrel!
MiniMurray said:
not sure...
do you go hunting with a bow too? turkey day is coming up- brings me back to life in missouri- driving down the road and seeing all sorts of animals hanging from trees. i ate the weirdest stuff while living there...mmmm smoked squirrel! i tried a little bit, then the carcass sat in my fridge cuz no one else would eat it. lol, it was all stretched out like it was a flying supersquirrel!

yes ive archery hunted since i was 15 so thats 17 years now ive been flingin sharp stix at critters, love it! i have a friend who lives in missouri that has been begging me to come and hunt with him and i tinks i shall, good huntin state!!
squirrel is good ,venison backstrapps in butter and garlic is better and nothing tastes better then fresh BEAVER! sorry...had to say that! hehehe!


get your ass to PA and rock with me!!??