Question about memory usage


Nov 27, 2010
I know that the maximum amount of memory a 32 bit OS can utilize is 4GB. I currently have 4GB of RAM installed. If I run Win-x64 and Cubase-x32 would it make sense to upgrade to 8GB of RAM or will cubase even see it since it is a 32bit applicaton?
Win7 64bit + Cubase 32 bit will run like it did on 32bit OS with the 3gb switch.
Meaning it would be able to use 3gb (if im not mistaken about the build in 3gb switch in 64 win 7).
So would I be better off running win7-64 and cubase-64 with some 32 bit plugins and upgrading my memory? This is the way I have been running it and the 64 to 32 bit plugin bridge seems sketchy.
I don't know about cubase's vst bridge, but the one that comes with Reaper runs 32bit plugins flawlessly on my PC. I'm currently running 8gigs, W7 64, and Reaper 64
it would be better to run cubase 64 bit. If you get a meaty session going on and the DAW hits the 3GB mark, it will literally just shut down, crash out of nowhere. I found out the hard way with Sonar using SD2.0, as soon as Superior would load up enough to bring the total to 3GB, that was it, everything would be gone, and it took me forever to discover running out of memory becuase of my DAW.
My system currently starts glitching and having dropouts after a while with less than 10 tracks, a couple of amp sim instances, and S2.0.