Question about monitor stands and studio desks

Jun 26, 2009
New Jersey
I was thinking about getting this desk for my comp and monitors

I would just put my interface and external under one of the stands. They had one at my local staples but just sold it. I have seen it and its actually really nice.

The thing that really got my on this desk is the stands on each side, they would be perfect to place my monitors on. My question to you guys is

Would it be more beneficial to just get a normal flat desk and make DIY monitor stands, or would this be a good idea to rest them on the stands on the desk? I have the foam to put under my monitors if that helps.

Also, what do you recommend for a desk? I saw some stuff on sweetwater that went for $400, that you seem like you could get at IKEA for $30. So i guess my safest bet would be an office supply store? Thanks for any help