Question about ordering New Release CD's from Internet

Spruce Goose

Then Goose me up woman!
Apr 17, 2001
Dream Theater new album comes out 11 Nov. If I place an order from Amamazon now, when would I get the cd?

On their site is says: Availability: [font=verdana,arial,helvetica][size=-1]This item will be released on November 11, 2003. You may order it now and we will ship it to you when it arrives.[/size][/font]

And should I go to Amazon US, or Amazon UK?


Is there a better way to go about getting the album? I have rang Utopia and JB and stuff. They didnt know that the new album was coming out, and said they would probably be getting them in stock 1-2 weeks after the US release date.

Fuck that
DONT go amazon, they ship it to you when they damn well feel like. I ordered a bunch of stuff that was "Available within 24 hours" and the delivery date ended up being January 29.

Amazon takes 9 days at the most expensive shipping so you would get it at the same time as the Oz one id say...
Metal-Mayhem will have it, but it'll cost you. I paid $44 to get Six Degrees mailed to me when it was first released. :mad:
Just wait until Monday. Actually, I hope to get mine tomorrow or Sunday, provided JB is true to form and has the album before its due release date. Got the newie from Sarah McLachlan three days before it was due out! :rock:
Because Train of Thought apparently doesnt have a local release date yet you will most likley have to pay import prices, if they even have any imports in yet.

All accounts point towards music stores not having it in for at least another 2 weeks.