Question about t-shirts

It's but I don't have the shirts etc. on there yet, will probably be a few weeks. But in the meantime if you want to get the thong just email me when you're ready for details
It's $15 plus $1 shipping.
Thanx Tammy

sh0kr0k said:
I wanted to buy one of those so bad, but I didn't have an extra spending cash. I *WILL* get one soon! What's the URL of your webstore?

MAN O MAN, MIKE you're still pushing the thongs....
it was a pleasure working for you this year, and i hope to do it next year. I agree with the sizes, there is no way we could have forseen the amount of smalls and mediums. but we did have xxl's ...sometime
Jibrille said:
I was shocked when I got a small Conception shirt Saturday night. I knew I wanted one and just said to the guy at the booth "Can I get the smallest size you have?" Was thinking I'd be lucky to get a medium.

I had the exact opposite problem. No XL Conception shirts.

Should I bitch because they don't sell tall sizes? heh.