Question about TV resolution vs. PC resolution


Oct 1, 2002
Rumson, NJ
this has always boggled me, perhaps someone can answer.... why is it that a certain resolution on a TV screen appears so much better than the same on on a PC monitor? Final Fantasy VII is a good example.... all the backgrounds run on 320 X 200 when playing on Playstation.... the backgrounds all look amazingly detailed and sharp.... but FFVII for the PC runs the backgrounds at the same 320 X 200 resolution as well.... and they look pretty bad, pixelated and everything... just compare screenshots of the PSX and PC versions.... another good example is a SNES emulator like ZSNES.... actually as a matter of fact i run ZSNES at 1024 X 768 and it appears all pixelated just like the PC version of FFVII, and not nice and sharp just like on TV..... why does all that detail get lost especially on an emulator?
hmmm good point. im not too sure but ill give it my guess...

for the emulator...i think youre just stretching the screen making it become more pixelated whereas with the tv, it is able to adjust the amount of colors per pixel or someting
TV's are blurry as all fuck. That's also why watching TV on a computer monitor reveals how much shite TV broadcasts really look. There's the basic answer.
Yes, and that's because TV's are so blurry that your eyes can't make out pixelation and such. The human brain has one hell of an ability to cover up imperfections and fill in details where there are none.
Yes, Erik is correct.

Bad analogy: Look at a beautiful woman from 10 feet away. Then get in so close you can see her pores and you'll realize how imperfect she is. The TV is 10 feet away, the monitor is up close and dream-ruining, or something.
Yeah, I have seen TV cards and that on PC's that really look pretty ratty. I guess that this is the thing that is happening with HDTV now, I think that the screen res is 1152 (or was it 1024) x 576 or something?

I wanted to get a tv card with my new PC, but when I saw the standard tv card, I really had my heart set on a HDTV card (hadn't seen them before but thought that it would be worth it for the image to be more easy to view). So I got a HDTV card and I must say that the image and sound quality are very pleasing and I get better reception on it than on a tv anywhere in the house.
TV signal isn't meant for PC. TV signal doesn't have a resolution because its not digital; game systems have to convert their signal.

Thankfully HDTV is going to make everything digital and everything very good quality. Or good enough.
erik is right

TV is blurry.

If you watch a Downloaded bad quality movie on your LCD you will be saying shit this sucks.

Stream it over to your TV using s-video or something, it will look wonderful.

Because TV is crappier, blurry, etc. yeah. Its actually less sharp, and thats why you carnt see the individual pixels. The monitor is very very sharp so you can see all the imperfections and individual pixels.
TVs are crap, that's why. You can't compare it to a set "resolution" (not that you can with a CRT monitor really), but it is around 320x200 for your regular ol' TV. Add to that the fact that it runs at 40Hz and it's pooey pooey pooey.

*pats his tft*
TV NTSC= 520 lines of resolution, interlaced... so at any given "capture" there is only half the resolution showing. When a lower resolution signal is sent through a standard TV, it must compensate by adding pixels to the signal to fill the screen... the combination of having generated filler and interlacing causes the fuzziness....
It's probably the matter of interlaced and de-interlaced video.