Question about where to get inserts printed...


Active Member
Jan 20, 2004
Behind the mist.
I know this isn't exactly "general music discussion" but I'm not sure where else to put this. I was wondering if anyone knew where to get tape inserts pro-printed. We have a demo coming out soon and were looking into this, but I have come up short with all of my searching. Anyone know?
Marksveld said:
I know this isn't exactly "general music discussion" but I'm not sure where else to put this. I was wondering if anyone knew where to get tape inserts pro-printed. We have a demo coming out soon and were looking into this, but I have come up short with all of my searching. Anyone know?

Try asking/searching at their forum, guest posting is allowed and there are a lot of people from various metal labels who frequent it.
I still fail to understand why some bands still put their demos on a tape...ridiculous. Many people don't even have a tape player anymore, and cd's are just so much more convenient.

But I was also wondering this, where would a band go to get this done?
Well... small independent labels sometimes don't have the funds to do CD-R releases... it's also much more of a hassle! Trust me, I've done both formats. I am one of the few that still believe tapes to be a good format!
Ok, one other question, how do you go about getting your music printed on vinyl? Does a label have to do this for you, or can you do it yourself?
Well labels pay printers to have CDs/tapes/vinyl etc printed for them, rarely will a label print their own formats. Vinyl is expensive and hard to have pressed, you basically provide a master copy to a printer and pay them to duplicate it :( I was reading some prices, and 100 12'' vinyls would be close to $800.00. But who knows, the prices vary greatly.