Question for any Metallica fiends..?


Apr 13, 2001
Does anyone have the Mama Said single handy?
I'm trying to find the complete, unedited version of Outlaw Torn. You know the one?

Any able to help me out by ripping it to mp3 for me??

Cheers in advance, your sexy servant in chains;

I do have the Mama Said single, but not the one with the full unedited verson of Outlaw Torn :D

I used to have that mp3 but I didn't like it much... I prefer the fade a lot more.

But I can get it again for you if you want :D
If you don't have to try too hard, that would be awesome! :)
Why would you prefer the fade?
used to it I guess...

Load was my first Metallica album, back when I was but 9 years old :D I'm used to it fading out and ending the great album.

The jam at the end just seems to go on a bit too long... works well for S&M but I don't think it would've worked well on the album. Ironic (to me at least) that they had to fade out due to the length of the album, and the fade worked better anyway.
Load was my first album. :)
Followed by Appetite For Destruction and then Live After Death.
1996 or 1997 I think, cos I saw them on the Reload tour in 1998.

I heard my first Metallica album in 1987 or 1988, I think, so I would have been 11 or 12 then. That would have been Ride the Lightning, or perhaps Master of Puppets.
June 1996 or thereabouts Load was released. I was born July 31 1986 ;)

And the file is over 10mb... the song goes for 10:40...something...


I'll try it anyway!

Go Mozilla Thunderbird, up up AND AWAY!