Ableton Live/General MIDI question


Jun 16, 2008
Uppsala, Sweden

I downloaded some cool MIDI effects that modify the incoming MIDI signal by f.ex making chords out of single notes etc etc. Really handy stuff, it also helps with coming up new cool chords in all keys, but there is a problem I'm having in Ableton Live.

Even if you don't use Ableton Live, you might be able to help. The problem is that these MIDI-effects are treated as a virtual instrument by Ableton Live, and you are only allowed to use one instrument on any one MIDI track. Thus, I cannot put these effects before the synth because Live doesn't see them as effects, as I said.

If you have experience in Ableton Live, you might have an answer for me. If not, you might know of a way to work around this. Maybe there is a good plugin that can be used to wrap effects AND a synth all in one? Like some sort of VST Host, inside a DAW?

Would be really cool to be able to use these since they aid alot in inspiration. Thanks in advance!
Well, I'm sure there's a way to do what you want in Live without going thru what I'm about to tell you but I'm not up for googling right now. I would check the forums though.

Anyway, my notion is that if the MIDI fx you're using just manipulate the MIDI signal coming in you should run them on a track then the output of that track into another MIDI track with the VSTi you're trying to use them with. Knowing what I do about Ableton though, I'm sure there's a simple way to do it.
Well, I'm sure there's a way to do what you want in Live without going thru what I'm about to tell you but I'm not up for googling right now. I would check the forums though.

Anyway, my notion is that if the MIDI fx you're using just manipulate the MIDI signal coming in you should run them on a track then the output of that track into another MIDI track with the VSTi you're trying to use them with. Knowing what I do about Ableton though, I'm sure there's a simple way to do it.

Yeah that's exactly what I tried. I thought I should be able to route the output from a MIDI track with the fx on, to another MIDI track, but the output from a MIDI track is audio... so it doesn't go together with another MIDI track.

Oh well, yea I'm checking their forums too, but the more sources I ask, the bigger the chance! =)

Thanks for your reply.