Question for both men and women....please help soon


His Dudeness
Jan 8, 2002
ive actually figured out how im going to be doing my paper (though i know many of you dont care, but disregard my other thread) but i have a question for those of you who care to contribute. ill be using some of the ideas from the answers in my paper so im giving you fair warning

Male or female?
Single preference for type of metal (assuming metal is your favorite genre)?
What are your opinions of the gender roles concerning men and women?
What do you think are the gender roles for men and women that are portrayed in the metal genre (all metal)?
Do you think the music has effection your view of gender roles.

if i could have a few serious responses by about 8:00 am EST that would be great

thank a lot for those who care to help a chronic procrastinator in dire need of sources

Black or Folk metal

Ahh, I think men and women anymore pretty much do what they want. Men and women can handle the same jobs, etc, and tho some men still make a little more for the same job I see the gap closing anymore.

There doesn't seem to be tons and tons of women in the metal genre...but the numbers again seem to be increasing. In metal, i don't think anyone really cares anymore as long as you can play, tho a female in a band DOES garner a lot of recognition, especially as a guitarist or vocalist I notice. And male fans are usually more than happy to meet female fans.

Music is music, i really don't see it as affecting my gender roles at all. Hell, I don't even abide by gender roles anyway.
muchos gracias fen. you were the only one from this board to help me so thank you.....luckilyi had SOT to help me out
Male or female?
Single preference for type of metal (assuming metal is your favorite genre)?
What are your opinions of the gender roles concerning men and women?
What do you think are the gender roles for men and women that are portrayed in the metal genre (all metal)?
Do you think the music has effection your view of gender roles.

Melodic Death Metal (inflames, cob type stuff)
im not sure i understand, but i think anyone who can do a job should get hired or appointed to do it, no matter what the gender is.
well metal is dominated by men, but i recently met a very competant guitar player, and she rocks. her drummer is very nice too ;) i hear her play on thursday. but also, if you can do it, go for it, no matter what yrou gender.
*isn't exactly sure when 8 am EST is, so if this is too late, sorry.*

Male or female? - Female.

Single preference for type of metal (assuming metal is your favorite genre)? - Most stuff, providing it isn't Korn or fat men in adidas grabbing at their wang.

What are your opinions of the gender roles concerning men and women? - Equality is all good, just pisses me off that you get certain girls who complain that men get treated better etc but if you offer them the opportunity of a 'man's job,' they're super quick to make some excuse about why they can't do it.

What do you think are the gender roles for men and women that are portrayed in the metal genre (all metal)? - It's still mainly a male scene but at the same time, people seem to be taking the females a little more seriously now and when a band comes out with a female/ females, people seem to see past that quicker now rather than dwelling on the fact that, 'Oh my god, that guitarist has tits.' (Maybe that's a delluded thing to say, males will always check out the tits) I just mean, I think people have a little more time for females as musicians now as opposed to something with extra bumps to look pretty onstage.

Do you think the music has effection your view of gender roles. - No, music's just something that makes me happy and keeps me sane.
anything with damn women sell well nowadays (I'm getting sick of all those ads with women)

some female musicians have talent of course, but music is pretty male dominated, especially when it comes to metal...