Need your help... ¿Is metal criminalized?

I also think there needs to be made a distinction in the term “metalhead” Sure there are the “Wooo Slayer!!!!” type metalheads who, in my opinion have little disregard to morals or ethics. Then there are the more coinsures These people are more less likely to fall into that typical metalhead stereotype. For example me. I consider myself a “metalhead” I go to more concerts than a band does. Love heavy metal. I have a record/cd collection of over 2,800. But I also don’t drink, smoke or do any drugs. I have a masters degree in education and work with at risk youth. There are a lot of people on this board that also fall into this description. Nice upstanding professionals, who are “metalheads” And these are usally the people that are more of your coinsures. To me, its kinda like calling a person a “drunk” just because they drink, there are some people out there that don’t drink just to drink, but to enjoy the finer qualities of what they are drinking. So when talking about the relationship between being a “metalhead” I think that this ideal should be taken into consideration
All kinds of violence, horror, gore in motion pictures. Nobody says anything, nobody sues anyone, some gets awards for it.
Doing 1% of it in music you get labelled, crucified.

Weird discrimination. Both are just art forms. Music is not I guess!!!!!
Love heavy metal. I have a record/cd collection of over 2,800. But I also don’t drink, smoke or do any drugs.

Sex, Drugs, and Rock n Roll. Take out the drugs and you have more time for the other two.

-Steven Tyler (who I am sure heard it from someone else first)
I'd also chime in with Columbine. Although most of the bands referenced were more industrial, it's still 'aggressive' music and the general public won't hear a difference. I know for a fact that Marilyn Manson and KMFDM were both referenced on more than one occasion. I know Manson chimed in, I don't know if KMFDM did.
This topic always intrigues me. As a Homicide Detective and metalhead, I would love to speak to you about this further. I must say, in my experience of homicide/suicide, music has not played a huge role as a catalyst/influence, however, it isn't exempt.
This topic always intrigues me. As a Homicide Detective and metalhead, I would love to speak to you about this further. I must say, in my experience of homicide/suicide, music has not played a huge role as a catalyst/influence, however, it isn't exempt.

That is awesome. Part of my wishes that I had gone down that path rather than the career I'm currently in...always had a major interest in detective work.
Many thanks to all for the input and ideas. They have been excellent in keeping my writing going strong. Almost done with my chapter...

I knew I could count on the PP board!!!