I Need Your Help!

T.J. McLear, 16, CT.

Symphony X's "Smoke and Mirrors" was what got me into metal. I was a fan of godsmack, and whatever mainstream nu-metal was out at the time, I knew no better. After becomming addicted to SX, I looked into more metal bands that I had never heard of, and have been blown away MANY times by the musicality and the perfection so many bands bring. In comparison, it makes radio look like childs play, which is probably part of the reason it isn't on radio.

Metal, and SX in particular really motivated me to pick up my hobby of Drums, and since then, it has evolved into a passion. Being able to play along to full SX, Dream Theater, Opeth, whatever bands I want, has made me a better drummer in a few short years than I think I would ever have become without these bands.

Also, my personality reflects the music I listen to, a bit more complex, sophisticated, and more big words that get me all the hawt chicks.

In conclusion, Metal is probably the greatest thing thats ever happened to me.

Sorry for the delay, hope that helps.
Hey chick,

I'm not sure if it's too late, but I'll offer a simple story that kind of explains what SyX means to me.

Steve Moroney, age 35

I had been playing bass since I was 16 and was always a metal fan. As the 90's came around metal got pushed more and more underground to a point where I didn't have many avenues to discover new bands. Luckily I worked for a musical products manufacturer and one of the A&R guys who knew I liked metal gave me Symphony X's "The Divine Wings of Tragedy" CD and asked me to listen to see what I thought. I was blown away! This was the band I always dreamed of and it revitalized my interest in music. The easiest way to describe how great SyX's music made me feel is this:

I was driving on the highway listening to the opening minute of "The Eye's of Medusa" when I noticed a police car with their lights on behind me. I got so into the power of this song that I didn't realize how fast I was going. I got a decent sized ticket, but when I thought about it later I didn't really care, because for a couple of minutes it felt so good to be cruising along listening to that song. It's still one of my favorite songs to drive fast to.

Anyway, hope you can use it, or part of it, whatever! Good luck!

P.S. Chick - Sorry to hear you've been kind of down on this board lately. I've been the same way but I think it's because of the lull between albums. It seems the conversations are stale which makes me stop by maybe once or twice a month. Jax said it's summer related which I'm sure is partially responsible, but I hope it wasn't something bad that led you away, because you were always a highlight on this board. :)
That's a perfect story scanner, I'll be using that. Thanks :)

scanner313 said:
P.S. Chick - Sorry to hear you've been kind of down on this board lately. I've been the same way but I think it's because of the lull between albums. It seems the conversations are stale which makes me stop by maybe once or twice a month. Jax said it's summer related which I'm sure is partially responsible, but I hope it wasn't something bad that led you away, because you were always a highlight on this board. :)

Awww...that's sweet of you to say, though I certainly wouldn't consider myself a 'highlight.' My absence wasn't really from anythng specific...this place has really changed over time, almost to the point where I felt like I didn't fit in with the new crowd...but this has no relevence to the topic, so I'll stop there :)

ANYWAY, the first draft of my paper is due tomorrow. The cool thing is, my class has become really intrigued by this 'Symphony X' I keep talking about, and so my teacher demanded I bring in a CD for the class to hear. How badass is that???

The Metal Chick said:
My absence wasn't really from anythng specific...this place has really changed over time, almost to the point where I felt like I didn't fit in with the new crowd...

I know exactly what you mean. The board certainly doesn't have the same feel as it used to say, 10 - 12 months ago, but again, I think it's really just the fact that there hasn't been anything new going on with the band recently. If you look at the board, almost every thread is unrelated (directly) to SyX. Not that it's surprising, because how many times can you talk about the same thing? Hell, other than the Gigantour deal (which is cool) there hasn't been any news regarding the band for the last 2 years except for Russ's and P's solo albums.

However, I think that once the guys are close to being done with the new album all the energy will come back. I know I can't wait for the new one and will definitely be here nearly every day to see if there is a sample posted, or a new studio update.

Anyway, I think I'm just rambling here, but I agree with you about the board not being the same. Just know that there are still other regulars out there (i.e. me) that will be coming back and still do frequent here and there at the present time. I'm sure the board will be back in full gear soon! :)