Stage Two in the Fan Club planning...need your help!

How much is it? "coz in Australia its like 60 US cents to a ozzy dollar so for me its like twice as much. So how much is a super-duper ?
Mr. Shred-ididle said:
How much is it? "coz in Australia its like 60 US cents to a ozzy dollar so for me its like twice as much. So how much is a super-duper ?

I don't have a currency calculator handy, you'd have to figure it out..the estimated costs I listed were $US..
Cyclopssss said:
Will there be things like fanclub-magazines and stuff? I'd like that. Man, with the following here in Europe alone, this thing would be huge. As always, you rock, Jax!

We'll probably be starting out with a quarterly newsletter at first, & once we get more established, then we can look at moving up to actual 'magazines'. :)
Naah we wouldn't charge that much..the membership dues are just to cover our costs for the goodies we'll be giving to the members through the year..the more goodies, the higher the membership dues. I don't foresee it going any higher than $35, & it may not even be that much, but I'll have more concrete figures in the next few weeks as the plans are ironed out more thoroughly. We have some great things planned for ya'll, though, & the band is excited about it, so it should be kickass! :D