Question for Deadly Embrace

Sep 13, 2002
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Hey DE,

how far Testament is done with the new album? I see that they're already planning some dates for North America for the next year. So maybe they'll be almost finished by the end of December?
TESTAMENT............. BACK ON TOUR! That is the best news i've heard in a long time. As long as there on tour, I think that its almost as good as a new album. I am so fired up. It will be a great day when the mighty TESTAMENT comes back from Europe.

I hope that they play anywhere in the s. east U.S.
The Web mistress, stays well informed..............I know I talked to Eric a couple of days ago, & he was very excited with the new riff's, that he & Smyth, have completed. The begining stages of Testament recording process, is for Eric & Smyth to come up with some different riffs(parts of a song) seperately, then record them(so they don't forget them). When they get together they take these parts & decide whats the best, & try to arrange a song. They use a drum machine, which Eric says he's really getting good at programing. Whenever they get together, they work on the songs that they are trying to complete, & go over them, & change parts here & there. When they are happy with the structure of a song, they record it with the drum machine. Then Eric either plays the tape for Chuck, or gives it to him. He then (if he likes it), tries to come up with some vocal patterns, & the Chorus. He plays the tape in his truck & thinks of how he's going to sing it, & if some parts of the song should be changed. No lyric's yet, they then rehearse with him adding his vocals on the PA, he sings not with words but with made up patterns & growls(just like Hetfield does).
They then record that, he then plays that back, & thinks of topics & lyric's for the song. When he's done with that they record with him singing it. Then you have the rough Demo of a song. But he works on a few songs at a time, & more & more gets finished.
Right now Eric & Smyth are still rehearseing & writing riff's, during the week. Eric keeps Chuck informed on his progress.
The songs slowly take shape, but change alittle(for the better)
every time they rework the songs. Until they are all happy with it, & record a proper Demo.
Do you guys think they will have any songs in the finished stages by say...December 27th..and play them on their mini tour? Like a sneak preview of the new album? Just curious..
that's a very good insight on Testament creative process DE. :) thanx.

Eric uses drum machine? That's new. So Jon Allen then is gonna record his real drum parts after hearing the drum machine beats, right? Btw, are Jon Allen & Steve DiGiorgio take part in a creative process too or it's mostly Eric, Steve Smyth and Chuck handling the creative process?

How many songs are Testament planning to include on the album? I'm guessing they're gonna write about 20-30 songs so they have something to choose for the album :)

sorry about too many questions DE. I'm just curious to know these things, that's all. :)
Jon will get into the process, when they start group rehearsals, when he can then change the fills, & or beats as they work on each song. When everythings finished, he'll be the first to lay down his tracks, in the recording studio, & be done before everyone else.
The Drum Machine is not new, they've used it before, but they are getting better at progaming it to do more realistic druming. If that makes sense. Trying to get it sounding like its not a machine but a real drummer.
Eric is the one who is in charge of the creative process, he takes suggestions from everyone, listens to their ideas & then decides what they're going to use or not use. Steve D, is on his own, as you well know, he basically will do his parts, the way he feels it will fit in. And he has a part in the creative process also. How much depends on him & Eric.
Chuck will listen to what they're working on & give his suggestions, & may change some of the strucure along the way. He decides if the songs good enough to make the album. Or need to be re-worked, or just plain dumped.
He has already turned down some rough songs that Eric has presented. That makes Eric work harder & sets the Testament direction in the right path, that both agree upon. Remember Testament is Chuck & Eric's band, they make all the decsions in the long run.
Originally Post by Midlife Crisis:
"I'm guessing they're gonna write about 20-30 song......"
No they will have about 13 or 14 songs(my guess), 10 or 11 will make the album, & the rest could be used as bonus tracks, or not at all? These are all my observations & of course I may be wrong.
Originally posted by Deadly Embrace
He has already turned down some rough songs that Eric has presented. That makes Eric work harder & sets the Testament direction in the right path, that both agree upon. Remember Testament is Chuck & Eric's band, they make all the decsions in the long run.

yea, Chuck did in fact turned down some of the riffs Eric had presented. This is from an interview DE that u posted before

"Eric put a lot of time and passion in his black metal-project Dragonlord and tends to write in that style these days. In my opinion this doesn't suit Testament. We met several times to exchange ideas, and on the first meeting a lot of the riffs sounded like Dragonlord. I said: That's not us! So Eric had to reconnect with our history and listen to the old albums again to think in that style again. We've been around for a long time, because we stayed true to our music ñ not because we tried to come up with something new. But Eric is working on it."

Now that Eric has his own black metal-project Dragonlord, he can use these Dragonlord riffs for the next Dragonlord album. So we can hope for some good ol' classical thrashy stuff (for example Legacy, New Order) on the new album with a modern feel like First Strike Still Deadly. I know this is just an album of old re-recorded stuff but it still RULES :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: I except a new album to sound a bit similar to FSSD :D