Question for Fred


Henri Serton
Staff member
Aug 31, 2001
Eindhoven; Rockcity!

Could you enlighten us about some of the lyrical topics of "A Fragile Mind"?
Is the album still gonna be a concept album?

I hope to hear from you. :wave:
I am glad you asked hawk. well, without giving out too many goodies, let me tell you a little about the lyrics.

when the boys first came to me and asked me to start penning lyrics to their already written music, i noticed that the new material was a little different than before,... heavier if you will. since it had been about 5 years since I had written any original material, i asked them what direction i should go, just to get the creative juices flowing again..

their answer??? ...... darker....heavier.. meaner...., so thats what i set out to do

after writing two or three songs, i realized that the lyrics were heading in a certain direction, i.e they could be put together to tell a tale. the more i started writing, the more that things kind of fit together, but it wasn't really planned. So the answer to "is it a concept album" is..... not really, but sort of, if you know what i mean. dont tell anyone though, its supposed to be a secret kind of "not really concept", that could be put together like a puzzle by the listener, or not. its more like a "theme album". the guys dont want to label it a concept album though,. they want each song to speak for itself, and be able to stand on its own.

the lyrical topics of a fragile mind are just that.... its about having a fragile mind, and the things that make the mind fragile.. with topics that range from: addictions, afterlife, sanity, relationships, stress, envy, mental health, existance, humanity etc.

there, that should clue you in a little on the direction of the lyrics. hope this sheds some light on your questions hawk.

fred marshall
nick viagra said:
I am glad you asked hawk. well, without giving out too many goodies, let me tell you a little about the lyrics.
Thanks Fred that's great! I guess the proverb "Ask and ye shall receive is true! :)

nick viagra said:
when the boys first came to me and asked me to start penning lyrics to their already written music, i noticed that the new material was a little different than before,... heavier if you will. since it had been about 5 years since I had written any original material, i asked them what direction i should go, just to get the creative juices flowing again..

their answer??? ...... darker....heavier.. meaner...., so thats what i set out to do
I always thought of Zero Hours's music as energetic and positive. It always gives me a feeling of power! "meaner"?? Well I'll have to see.

nick viagra said:
after writing two or three songs, i realized that the lyrics were heading in a certain direction, i.e they could be put together to tell a tale. the more i started writing, the more that things kind of fit together, but it wasn't really planned. So the answer to "is it a concept album" is..... not really, but sort of, if you know what i mean. dont tell anyone though, its supposed to be a secret kind of "not really concept", that could be put together like a puzzle by the listener, or not. its more like a "theme album". the guys dont want to label it a concept album though,. they want each song to speak for itself, and be able to stand on its own.
Sounds like a great idea to me. This way you'll have the freedom of just hinting at the them while still having the opportunity to go in a somewhat other direction.

nick viagra said:
the lyrical topics of a fragile mind are just that.... its about having a fragile mind, and the things that make the mind fragile.. with topics that range from: addictions, afterlife, sanity, relationships, stress, envy, mental health, existance, humanity etc.
Speaking for myself here, it would be nice if there was some reference to the fact that most people are able to overcome their mental problems. Personally I can handle only so much pain, suffering and misery :)

I am just giving some personal perspective here.

nick viagra said:
there, that should clue you in a little on the direction of the lyrics. hope this sheds some light on your questions hawk.

fred marshall
Thanks Fred. I'll be looking forward to what you pen down! This lyrical subject sounds very interesting and the possibilities are almost endless.
hey hawk, when i say meaner, i meant that the vox would be a little meaner, not the lyrics, a little more grit, not much, just a touch. a little more " in your face". the lyrics are not "mean" at all.....hmmmm........well maybe one song.haha... you will see. there are no drastic changes in zero hours music. in my oppinion,,, musically,,,,this album will be the best one yet, . I cant wait to fly out in early nov. to lay down my tracks, and finally hear the finished product, i have melodies and harmonies swirling around in my head, that i have yet to sit back and listen to, so i am stoked.

i appreciate your input and perspective, let them rip,
nick viagra said:
hey hawk, when i say meaner, i meant that the vox would be a little meaner, not the lyrics, a little more grit, not much, just a touch. a little more " in your face". the lyrics are not "mean" at all.....hmmmm........well maybe one song.haha... you will see. there are no drastic changes in zero hours music. in my oppinion,,, musically,,,,this album will be the best one yet, . I cant wait to fly out in early nov. to lay down my tracks, and finally hear the finished product, i have melodies and harmonies swirling around in my head, that i have yet to sit back and listen to, so i am stoked.

i appreciate your input and perspective, let them rip,
:hotjump: Dude believe me if possible I am as excited as you are! Zero Hour simply RULES!!!! If I had a good singing voice *they* would be the band I'd like to sing in.

I just fucking hope they get bigger with this album. They deserve it! If I could I would grab every european metal magazine editor by the balls and tell them to write about this band!! :D

A couple of friends and me from the old school forum are talking of meeting each other during the PPVI festival in Atlanta and it would be awesome if Zero Hour could play the festival next year. Hell, if I am flying to the States I might as well see the best band that side of the world has to offer, right?

I am very much looking forward to your lyrical ideas and vocal melodies! I am hoping for a May/July 2005 release. Lets hope that I am wrong ;) :p