Question For Matt


New Metal Member
Nov 4, 2006
hey matt, here is a quick question.

what is your songwriting process? do you start writing lyrics, create a melody in your head, mess around with the guitar or keyboard , or just create music and lay down some lyrics? i'm pretty curious since your music is awesome and well, it's nice to know. your songwriting is the best.

oh yeah, can't wait for the 2nd album.:rock:
It's different for different songs, but 90% of the time I write the music first, and that could start with a vocal melody idea, a guitar riff, or an idea on keyboard. Then I just build it from there. I try to keep a little recorder with me all the time, and record tons of melody ideas and riffs. It sounds stupid when you listen back to it, but I have to do it or I'll forget. Sometimes, if I have a really strong lyrical idea, I'll write lyrics first and then when I come up with music that goes along with it, I'll change and mold the phrasing of the lyrics to fit the music.

I've found that I work best when I have a strong idea of what the song will be about when I'm working on the music. It comes easier for me that way than when I have a piece of music and no real idea what I want to do lyrically.

Hope this helps, and thanks for the kind words!