question for mixing drums

i've already assumed it's because i'm not tracking them in a huge acoustically tuned room... but i have the hardest time getting the sound i want from my drums

i have a firestudio and a eureka channel strip and thats it right now. i'm running everything through nuendo2 and use drumagog to try to tighten my tracks up

my struggle is getting that awesome punchy kick sound... i can do click and triggered sound... but i want to be able to blend my acoustic kick drum compressed with a triggered kick to get that thud that has plenty of low end to give the mix that "oh shit" sound when you're bumping some 64th notes, but plenty of highs where it can cut through the mix as well...

i know you guys know what im talking about... im using an audix d6 in the kick drum and just get the shittiest sound seriously just dry raw BOOF sounds... i've tried different mic placements, heads, beaters, impact pads, compression, eqing and no matter what i always end up pretty much using a 100% blend on drumagog and i hate the fact that i always do that...

i have the same problem with most aspects about my drums, my toms lack punch and clarity and the snare was and easy fix when i quickly learned from my first session to mic the top and bottom of the snare...

guys- im an amateur, i need an experienced opinion and guidance... help me out here please

listen to my product on my sound cloud player, you'll get the gist of my setups status and sound

i noticed a lot of people are using superior 2.0, which i have no idea how to use... i plan on getting it- can it be used similar to drumagog or what? i dont know

i just need some help, it's embarassing

im recording my bands demo and will have new samples up.. hopefully with someone critique it will be a little more in the ballpark