question for OZONE users


Gabriel R.
Nov 25, 2010
Orange County, CA
I just got my hands on ozone a few days ago. Ive been learning the ins and outs of this plugin. I really like it, it can seriously do just about everything.

my question is...for those that use it and have it in their master bus. Since this tool is so useful do you still have ton of other plugins loaded on the master? or just ozone?
I only use the Loudness Maximizer, last in the chain on the master bus. Every once in a while I will use the Match EQ section on the guitar bus if there is a sound from another release that I really want to get close to, but that is fairly rare. I actually wish they made just the limiter as a separate plug-in, I would have bought that instead of the whole set of tools that I never even use in it. *shrug*
I'm also using only Multiband Stereo Imaging and sometimes Loudness Maximizer so yes I have other plugins on stereo bus as well.
I use pretty much every part of ozone ( apart from reverb ). It's bloody great. However, I don't use it on the master buss.

I use it for Bass. ( multi comp, distortion, EQ )
guitars ( same )
Vox ( same )

the multi band distortion is great. All round very handy plugin.

Its more than capable of handling all you master bus duties on its own, but I guess people stick with what they prefer.
I use ozone 4 after a separate multi comp and a couple gclips.

Multiband> Master EQ > opt. Exciter for less aggressive material> Brickwall.

How you're supposed to to use the stereo widener, I will never know.

Lately, I've been using less and less ozone. The EQ's cool, that's about it.