Question for professional designers...


I think the majority of print companys prefer that. But I could be wrong? I interned at an ad agency and Quark was the big thing..

For simple CD layouts I would also go with Illustrator.. More control of type I guess if you are doing crazy stuff with type
Originally posted by Seems like Trav
If i had my choice i'd use InDesign exclusively.

But when comparing to QXP, in my opinion, Pagemaker doesn't even exist.

yes, you can export the document in eps, pdf, and html among other various formats using InDesign. also, you can convert all text to curves or outlines which eliminates the need for fonts when sending it to the printer. which quark can't do
Actually there is a way to do that in Quark, but it's really silly and should only be used on huge headlines or what not (becomes a mess with big bodies of txt). So INDESIGN is pretty much like Illustrator as far as doing layouts? I want to check that out... specially if you can export html