Question for Sepsis...


Apr 13, 2005
Hello there... no, you don't know me, but don't worry about it - I'm an old friend of Lee's and I'm sure if you pm him he'll be only too happy to say slanderous things about me :D As you can see I have never posted on this forum before, I just cast an eye over it from time to time... anyway, cut to the chase, I happened to see your post on the WF thread, and I followed the url which you posted for Lee. Can you explain a bit about what that website is, and how one might go about contacting them? Only I don't speak Spanish... the reason I ask is because I downloaded the first Pentagram track listed there (second one errors out) thinking it was US Pentagram, and it certainly isn't - it kinda sounds as if it could be the old Chilean band of that name, but I don't recognise the track and can't find a reference to it anywhere on the net!! (The second track they list is from their second demo.) I know that Mezarkabul used to be called Pentagram too - but it definitely doesn't sound like them. If I don't get to the bottom of this it could drive me insane :yell: Can you help? Thanks in advance for any crumbs of comfort you could scatter in my direction...
xpv - I'm sorry but I don't know how much I can help you. My Spanish is terrible, and I don't really know much about the website - I did an audio search on metacrawler for 'mezarkabul' (to find a link for Lee) and their site was the one that popped up.

However, you might have a gander at They've never failed me before (except for not having Nicodemus lyrics :bah: ) and they'll probably be able to answer your questions.

However, you might have a gander at They've never failed me before (except for not having Nicodemus lyrics :bah: ) and they'll probably be able to answer your questions.

Aha! Thankyou!! Two minutes later, and I have my answer
:headbang: In case you're curious, the old Pentagram reformed for a live gig in 2001 - it was later released on CD. That explains the playing being a bit tighter than I remember it being in 1987...!

I had never come across the metal archives site before (can't believe that none of my past searches have brought it up) but it's clearly a mine of useful info and will doubtless lead to many hours of trawling :)

Thanks again!

Hal C.
xpv said:
? Do please elaborate!
Is it when it comes to reviews and whatnot? I go there just to look for bands and I've never had any trouble, really.
Hopkins-WitchfinderGeneral said:
Classifications and whom exactly they allow into their archives, i found them to be a little elitist (hah)

weeeeeelll, that kind of goes with the territory... I was amused to see them describe the nu-metallers Incubus as a "pop band" (only mentioned at all because they share their name with several "real" metal bands)
It's pretty normal for guys attached to the underground to be snobbish about mainstream music (not that it's necessarily healthy) - and mainstream rock is covered all over the media, never mind the net, so maybe there's no need for it to be included on a site specialising in little-known bands. That's what I was thinking... until I hit the "bands listed by country" links and discovered that in the UK they list such cult death metal bands as, er, Rainbow, Gillan etc. Eh?!?!? Still... there is obviously a lot of useful info on the site, though you're right, their selection policy is clearly very prejudiced... ah well...
Hopkins-WitchfinderGeneral said:
Yeah, i'm not a fan of "underground inbreeding."

Heh :D

It's easy to get sucked into that way of thinking, though... if you take the trouble to seek out music, films, books etc that other people don't know about or don't have access to, you can get seduced by the idea that anything exoteric, mainstream, must be shit and that only the stuff you're into is worthwhile. It's not true, of course. But I definitely used to be guilty of it myself. Grown out of it now - pretty much :)