Question for Steve/HippieOfDoom


Oct 14, 2011
Hello Mr. Steve DiGiorgio. I have been a long time fan of your forum, and of your work as well, and I'm new at posting here. I have two questions for you if you don't might answering them.

#1: Whats going on with albums you mentioned before that haven't seen the light of day? This includes Memorain, Mythodea, Synesis Absorption, Soen, etc.

#2: What do you think about alternative rock music like Queens of the Stone Age, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Pixies, etc? I ask because i play in an alternative rock band and i notice this form of music doesn't really get much attention nowadays, but also because I've never heard of you playing in a band that plays that type of style. And I just wonder if you enjoy it and if you would consider doing an album in the alternative rock genre if you are a fan of it.

Thank you very much for your time, and hope to hear from you soon. Thanx again ---- FRANK
Greetings, and thanks for the compliments!
Its true some of the recordings I've been a part of have come out like Anatomy Of I, Christian Müenzner, Charred Walls and Johnny Newman. All this year in fact. The rest will be ready next year, some earlier than others. I think Memorain is coming out early in the year, Soen is pretty certain early February. I'm literally in the middle of a slow paced bass tracking for the Mythodea, so that won't be ready until further into the year after all the mixing and production. The Synesis Absorption was a one song deal, and I think the new stuff so far is only going to be one more new song, which will be ready in a couple months I'm guessing as we're still gathering up the global contributions from those involved.

There is another release that has no previous announcement, so I won't go farther than that, haha, but its real close to coming out too. Well, I really don't want to spoil the band's way of announcing it, I'll just tell you its a brutal one!

And coming up for near future are a lot more and varied sounds to look for, as I'm writing this I feel fortunate to be real busy. Lucky bass players can chameleon and play all kinds of different styles. Which brings me to your other question. Out of those bands you listed, I can only say I like one Red Hot Chili Peppers album, and the other bands I don't know of. I really don't know much about alternative rock and I'm pretty sure I never played it. I can't stand Pearl Jam or Nirvana, but I like a few Soundgarden songs as well as Stone Temple Pilots and Alice In Chains, and I love one Foo Fighters song too. I don't have any boundaries to play in that style if I was asked to. Just never was I guess. Although playing with Sebastian Bach we got to play and meet a lot of those guys from that scene.
I could guess what that mystery album is, but I don't want to utter the band name because I don't want to ruin it for people who don't know.

Also, how have you not heard Queens of the Stone Age? They're really good!

Although I admit, hearing Alternative Rock, the last thing I think is "Steve Digiorgio should play this". I think more along the lines of Death Metal and Thrash Metal, but I actually think Steve would be pretty well suited for something like Mercyful Fate.
Thank you for the very detailed answer. I've been posting on SOEN's fan question board because i absolutely fell in love with the demos (I love Fraccions and Slithering is my favorite track so far, your bass playing on those songs are very mesmerizing), and have read its coming out February. I asked about you on that forum, Steve, as well to see why you were chosen and Martin answered. Glad you guys get back to our questions. Hope to see the Memorain album soon because you and Gene were a killer rhythm section on Individual Thought Patterns. The Johnny Newman album was very good too, you and Yanic make a bad ass rhythm section just like with Quo Vadis (Defiant Imagination is amazing by the way). As for the secret release your talking about, i hope it is about an EP your doing thats coming out in Spring (sorry if i spoiled the surprise but it sounds like a very promising release). Cant wait for the other albums you have coming up as well, I'm sure they will be amazing as well.

As for the alternative rock question, I asked because you have played in many different kind of bands and vast amount of genres as well (Thrash, Folk metal, Death metal, Jazz with Dark Hall, Progressive metal, Black metal, Hip hop when you guested on Necro's album, Power metal, Hard rock, and a ton of others), but i was just wondering if you were a fan of it or would ever consider playing an album with that style since you've recorded in a lot of different genres. I'm a huge music fan and think it's key to listen to all kinds of music to be a great musician, much like your palette with all these different releases in multiple genres. Some of the bands you listed like Soundgarden and Alice in Chains do have some good metal vibes going on, but i also love their alternative rock stuff too. That's cool that you got to meet some of them in your Bach days, I'm sure their very cool people. Very good to know you have an open mind about it and will do it if it fancied your taste haha. Good to hear your glad being busy because we fans look forward to all your releases. Thanks again for the reply ---- FRANK