Question for the seat people...

Magius said:
Zero Hour- Medium to strong response. I didn't know a thing about this band prior to their set. No one was "sleeping" :rolleyes:

My friend, I sat right there and watched everyone around me. I was wondering if since I felt like fleeing the building screaming during this set if I was the only one. There were at least a dozen people in my immediate area sitting with eyes closed during this opening set. Hell, my girlfriend was right beside me sleeping. Across the entrance there was a set of 3 people with chins on chest. Behind me, there were 2 guys not budging. I can keep going.

Now, granted, there were the obvious Zero Hour fans there getting into it (at least 5 in my immediate area) but overall, where I sat the crowd was out on the opening act. Not good.
livingwithwolves said:
You sat for JORN? You bad bad girl!!! :lol: An your one of the prettiest girls on this fourm, i would have liked to have seen you "down there" :loco:

...awww, you're sweet...thank you :)

that is what i get for wearing un-comfy shoes the night before...:zombie:

next time, say hi :)
Harvester said:
I tend to watch the seats more than most and if you removed the floor folks.... Freak Kitchen *dominated*. Hell, there were more people singing the dildo chorus than any specific song from any group the entire festival. I saw more teeth during that set from people smiling & laughing than I thought possible.

I have to say, out of all the bands, FK was the one I wanted to see LEAST going in, but I kept an open mind because I had not heard their stuff, and felt through the boards speaking they were too stupid and gimmicky.

Even though I'm a giant Mercenary whore, I have to admit, Freak Kitchen went from being my most ho-hum to my most favorite progpower performances. They were the PERFECT 3rd slot band. They are awesome as hell and I would LOVE to see them return again.
Magius said:

Thunderstone- Strong sustained applause. Better reaction than I thought they'd get because:
A) They were the most "generic" europower band of the fest. Which is not a bad thing to me, as I like that style.
B) They followed Vision Divine. I expected somewhat of a repeat of the post Pagan's Mind slump that Secret Sphere suffered.
They held their own though.

Had Pasi not lost his voice, I thought they would have slayed. In fact, in the parts Pasi wasn't struggling on, I thought he sounded better than on disc. On disc, they are a little generic to me as well, but I would like to see them again when Pasi is on. They had an "aura" about them and belong on stage.

Freak Kitchen got one of the best crowd responses I've ever seen at PP. Second place would probably be Epica, then Mercenary, especially when they launced into "Cowboys From Hell".

Since the first PP, I think the only band I've stood on the floor for was Vanden Plas. I prefer watching the show from a seat.

woosta said:
My friend, I sat right there and watched everyone around me. I was wondering if since I felt like fleeing the building screaming during this set if I was the only one. There were at least a dozen people in my immediate area sitting with eyes closed during this opening set. Hell, my girlfriend was right beside me sleeping. Across the entrance there was a set of 3 people with chins on chest. Behind me, there were 2 guys not budging. I can keep going.

Now, granted, there were the obvious Zero Hour fans there getting into it (at least 5 in my immediate area) but overall, where I sat the crowd was out on the opening act. Not good.

nailz said:
*ahem*.. I actually nodded off during their set.

I stand corrected, though I stand by my medium to strong reaction assessment.
I just deleted a post and I am feeling *VERY* fucking trigger happy right now. This bullshit is going to stop as the bans are going to come fast and furious from here on out. I am sick and tired of the Zero Hour bashing by people that have JUST registered. This is a pattern that has been going on over three different threads since the festival ended. This is not just coincidence. I have tried to give people the benefit of the doubt, but no more. I have allowed (and will continue to allow) negative posts that are a simple opinion or constructive. These posts are Trollshit.
Bryant said:
Had Pasi not lost his voice, I thought they would have slayed. In fact, in the parts Pasi wasn't struggling on, I thought he sounded better than on disc. On disc, they are a little generic to me as well, but I would like to see them again when Pasi is on. They had an "aura" about them and belong on stage. Bryant

Agreed. It was clear Pasi was having some trouble during certain parts, but I think he recovered nicely and it wasn't too big a deal. Their first 2 discs certainly have a some of that "generic" feel to them, but still smoke. Tools of Destruction really highlights a more original sound from the band and hopefully they continue down that path. I also agree about their stage presence, even though I felt they seemed a bit nervous at times. A definite return to PP is in order for these guys!
Cheiron said:
FK had biggest response I think.
