Question of panning


Alex Cappa TMF Studios
Hey guys, as you can see in the section "rate my song.." I´m mixing my band´s album and have some questions about the better way to pan drums, guitars and bass.
Things you need to know are:
Kick mic, 2x snare mics, HH mic, 2 OH mics and 3 Tom Mics for the three toms (2 + 1 floor tom).
Guitars: Quadtracked each of them with two mics with fredman technique.
Bass: Only singletracked but 5 tracks - 441,D112 and Subkick + 2 lines (2 cabs in fact Hartke and Laney with a splitter)
I´m not happy enough with the way toms are panned, originally, from the smallest to the biggest, 1- 90%R, 2- 30%L and 3- 80%L. Any comment??
Ups and guitars: 2x 5150 and 2x XXX (5150 pan 100L and 100R) and XXX 80L and 80R
Guitars 100/80/80/100
Bass centred
Drum OHs 100/100
Hihat and Toms fiddle with. I'd say you've got the toms way too far out.. I hate that when listening to a record. I go about 30-40L/10R/50-60R
Yeah, when I saw the two towers, one with a 350 watts Hartke and 1x15 + 4x10 and another Laney all tubes with 8x10, I thought it was a joke, then I saw 3 mics and the lines, at this moment I realized our engineer is a bass player!!!!!
He is really a crazy man, when I´ll get home I´ll post you pictures of the bass stack, thanx for the comments!!!!
For the toms, listen to their position in the overheads. Having them in the wrong place will reduce the overall impact in the mix. Depending on the song i like to pan the guitars outside the overheads. Leave the overheads and room mics (if they exist) at around 75% left and right and let the outer guitars fill in the image.