
deathstrike from hell

Deathstrike lambtron
Aug 12, 2002
anyone have any details on the warrel getting dragged behind a vehicle incident and still putting on one hell of a show?

and congrats! the final product is the #2 song on music choice metal for the week. *(behind as i lay d(c)rying
It was during the tour with Death. Warrel had passed out next to the trailer (a U-Haul for the equipment I believe) and his hair got caught in the hub and he was drug for some distance. Despite the bruises, scrapes, cuts and sore scalp I'm sure, he performed the next night. It was Chuck himself who then told Mr Dane "Dude, you ARE metal."
Necromunchkin said:
It was during the tour with Death. Warrel had passed out next to the trailer (a U-Haul for the equipment I believe) and his hair got caught in the hub and he was drug for some distance. Despite the bruises, scrapes, cuts and sore scalp I'm sure, he performed the next night. It was Chuck himself who then told Mr Dane "Dude, you ARE metal."

Necromunchkin said:
It was during the tour with Death. Warrel had passed out next to the trailer (a U-Haul for the equipment I believe) and his hair got caught in the hub and he was drug for some distance. Despite the bruises, scrapes, cuts and sore scalp I'm sure, he performed the next night. It was Chuck himself who then told Mr Dane "Dude, you ARE metal."

It happened at a club just outside of Boston, MA.
He was passed out on the fender of the u-haul, and somebody started to move it. From what I can barely remember, he got run over by the wheel as he was flopped off the damn thing.
I was pretty drunk myself, but I remember telling my buddy "Hey, that's Warrel Dane"...and pondering if it was a bad time to ask for an autograph.... :hypno: