
I know this has become the question of the century for everyone...heheh

Well, unfortunately, our release date has come and gone...and regretfully Elevate has failed to comply with meeting their official release date. It seems to me that they are afraid to respond and face thier inabilities to run a business. Right now, we are working through some legal issues that will allow us to take the CD and have it pressed by someone other than Elevate, and are scrambling to have this done and ready by ProgPower (11/14).

More than likely, if this works out...Metal Ages will be carrying the disc, and anyone Deron decides to sell to in regards to Vendors (ie: Laser's Edge, The End, etc.) Please do not send any inquiries to Deron until we have worked everything out, and an official announcement has been made on this board.

We know that the wait has been unbearable, and we truly appreciate you devoted patience...but rest assured that we will be working hard to make sure that you get this CD one way or another ;-)
