Questions about A7X nightmare album


New Metal Member
Sep 28, 2012
First of all, are any of these drums triggered? If they aren't, then how did they get the drums to sound like that? What possible compression and eq could they have used to make them sound like that? They sort of have a wet sound to them ( just all of the drums in general do ). Please get back to me on this I really love this sound!
And the snare especially amazes me. I'm confused on how it could sound so wet...
Without listening to it, i'm 99.9999999% sure that the drums would've been triggered, and if it sounds wet, it's more than likely reverb.
haven't listened to the album in absolutely ages though and I can't listen right now, but those are just guesses.
Yeh exactly it sounds pretty inconsistent, but the wet slap it has to it and the low end, seems to makeup for it.