Questions to the Band

Apr 3, 2005
1. Scott - We know you play guitar but do you still like to skate?
2. Charlie - How is your time keeping these days? Are you still late?

3. Scott - Why the change back to Jackson?
1. Scott - We know you play guitar but do you still like to skate?
2. Charlie - How is your time keeping these days? Are you still late?

3. Scott - Why the change back to Jackson?

I'm pretty sure you won't get an answer from the band, so here goes nothing:

1. No because grown men don't skate. Except Tony Hawk.

2. Nah, he's just sleeping.

3. He propably got a better deal than Washburn. The Jacksons look and sound better anyway.
I thought it was Frankie who was never on time, always - Sleeping, LATE, Damn - Watch the beat .........
1. Scott - We know you play guitar but do you still like to skate?
2. Charlie - How is your time keeping these days? Are you still late?

3. Scott - Why the change back to Jackson?

I just got an email from Scott with answers to your questions. Here is what the email said.

"Hey man can you pass these answers along to the dude on our forum"

1. Yes I do play guitar. You are good! Skate? I never really did I just did it for image purposes, plus we were able to sell some skate shoes and skateboards. I now focus more on Poker than either skating or guitar lol. I mean isnt it fairly obvious, you can tell the lack of dedication to my guitar playing on the past 3 anthrax albums :erk:

2. Chalrie says that is such a stupid question he doesn't want to even answer it. Sorry dude.

3. I switched to Jackson because metal is cool again so I wanted something a bit more metal looking and sounding.

Sorry for the short answers, I gotta get back to this fucking online poker game, i just finally started playing for real money so I need to focus!

There ya go
you realize all the questions you just asked can be found in a ton of interviews that I have been done over the last year? LOL

Quite possibly but I was listening to I'm the Man and thought I'd post some random tongue-in-cheek questions to add another (albeit small) dimension to this forum which seems to consist of either Bush V's Belladonna posts or members just throwing insults at each other!

god my spelling blows... LOL and BTW I agree with you "What Doesn't Die" its just FUCKING MUSIC YOU ASSHOLES!!!!! get a life people, enjoy it or change the fucking channel!!!!!!