Quick help with auxillary tracks


Apr 17, 2009
I'm just getting used to cubase and i was wondering..ive loaded a new instrument track and assigned superior drummer 2 as the input..which is all working fine it all loads up but how do i view/create seperate auxillary channels under that 1 track i.e so i can perform processing on each sub channel?
I would like superior drummer to display each drum/mic as an individual output in its own seperate channels.. i.e 1 for kick,1 for snare..etc.... i know that in reaper that this can be done in a few clicks and the same with logic...but in cubase everytime i click a drum the sound outputs through the 1 channel...am i loading the VST incorrectly?
it seems you loaded it correctly. But you routing seems to be wrong. Ether in sd2 or in Cubase.

When I load Battery its 10 (or so) outputs apear automatically in cubase's mixer as single channels.
The only thing I have to do is to select the output (one of those 10 channels) in battery for each instrument.
How many outputs do sd2 have? 2 (stereo)?
hey, not sure if i got it right, but try this: open your vst instruments (f11 i guess) and then behind sd2 there should be a little icon that allows you to multichannel the drumtracks out of sd2 and into your cubase mixer ... but be sure to choose multichannel out in sd2's mixer itself ... (im using ezdrummer, but there it works)
hey, i loaded it in the vst instruments sect and then clicked that icon and selected 'activate all outputs' so there are 16 stereo tracks..however its still only playing sound out fo 1 channel even though those other ones exist..where is the button in SD2 that enables multitracking? have i done this right?
i dont use sd2 myself, but in ezdrummer, i open its own mixer and select multichannel at the bottom of every's single track ... sorry, im not a big help :/
2.0 is set up by default with everything routed through 1 stereo channel. go to the mixer section of 2.0 and route all the mics to the channel,s you want.

Oh and this is in the manual which is not that large of a read
THATS IT i had that problem in reaper too but i forgot! thanks so so so much and...i wouldnt count 600 odd pages as a small read either ;-)