Quick rundown of the POD's


gain induction
Mar 3, 2008
Uhm, with all the cool mixes i've heard around with pod's on them, i'm slowly growing into the idea of owning one.

Can anyone give me a rundown of what to buy ? Why is the Pod XT Pro (older) more expensive then Pod X3 Pro ?

And are the 'pro' versions worth the extra money becouse of the spdif outputs ?

Too many options, too many options :ill:
Mmm is the Xt Pro pricier than the X3??? I got mine for 320 euros secondhand, new it goes for 450@thomann while the X3 goes for 700...

I like the pro because of the bulk of I/O's it has, not only spdif but AES/EBU, Balanced outs, Effects loop, and reamping I/O
well the pods at first are really good, but after sometime i think that they arent that good.. i mean u realize that there is something missing in the sound like i dont know a true tube sound something like that.. dont get me wrong i really like the pod.. but its not THAT good...
Yeah, I'd definitely recommend Nick Crow 8505 and Boogex with impulses over a pod, and spending the money on a good low-latency interface and active DI box if you don't have 'em!
Yeah, I'd definitely recommend Nick Crow 8505 and Boogex with impulses over a pod, and spending the money on a good low-latency interface and active DI box if you don't have 'em!
If it would be used for recording purposes only, I totally agree.

Personally, since I'm on a Mac, I'd be much more willing to shell out the money for ReValver over a POD if it's going to be used for recording applications only. That, and ReValver actually does more Recto-ish sounds than 8505. :p

I'm a POD owner myself, and IMO, the only significant advantages of the POD over the aforementinend is the fact that you can take it anywhere and use for live stuff and all that... that, and it doesn't really take up much CPU power, lol.

Not to say the PODs are bad by any means. You can definitely get useable stuff out of them. Like I said, I own one, but, particularly for high-gain, I think there are rawer, more natural-sounding sims out there.
Yeah, I'd definitely recommend Nick Crow 8505 and Boogex with impulses over a pod, and spending the money on a good low-latency interface and active DI box if you don't have 'em!

Yeah, maybe you are right... i've kinda got hyped becouse of joey's latest mixes. Maybe i'm just waiting for a solid mesa rectifier plugin
If it would be used for recording purposes only, I totally agree.

Personally, since I'm on a Mac, I'd be much more willing to shell out the money for ReValver over a POD if it's going to be used for recording applications only. That, and ReValver actually does more Recto-ish sounds than 8505. :p

Meh, I have yet to hear an ampsim that can come close to capturing the Rectifier "bark," so I've settled for the 5150 smoothness/fizz in ampsims, and I have yet to hear Revalver do it as well as 8505!
And yeah, there are tons of great mixes on here (Joey, Black Neon Bob, Splat88) that were done with Line6 stuff, but my feeling is the guitars work fantastically as far as sitting in a mix, but they still sound undeniably digital and Pod-y to me; not worth it IMO!
And yeah, there are tons of great mixes on here (Joey, Black Neon Bob, Splat88) that were done with Line6 stuff, but my feeling is the guitars work fantastically as far as sitting in a mix, but they still sound undeniably digital and Pod-y to me; not worth it IMO!

Yes, they do, but this sound is starting to grow on me, i like how the pod guitars seem to fill more of the frequency spectrum then the plugin versions do, but that may just lay in the hands of the person who's mixing them :Saint:
I'd actually recommend you get the POD X3 live - why? well , I was in the same position as you about 3 months ago and was on this forum being really impressed with Tunes from the guys here - the gtr sounds were really good and the ones that stood out to me happened to be From the POD (Splatt88 - Bulb etc...) the ones that were good but still didnt quite "do it" for me were Revalver stuff and ohter amp sims.
So, I made a decision.....got the POD and after the intial "breaking in" period of about a week I Do NOT regret it - you see i've tried all kinds of amp sime with impulses etc but always go back to the POD sounds (sometimes with Impulses!!) cause my ears dont prick up and go "...hmmm nope" so Go get one!!!
Meh, I have yet to hear an ampsim that can come close to capturing the Rectifier "bark," so I've settled for the 5150 smoothness/fizz in ampsims, and I have yet to hear Revalver do it as well as 8505!
Yeah... hearing more accurate Recto sims would be great, definitely.

I still kinda dig the 'metallic' tone ReValver has, tho. :o