Quiz fans

I got "True Metalhead" too.
Bollocks, I'm no true metalhead.
I'm Satan, and I listen to girly techno...
I did that test sometime...well it kinda sucks since there's basically one answer for one category and it's so blatantly obvious,plus hard to pick an answer. I think I got the true metalhead thing.
You are a Prog Metal Fan.

I hate Progressive metal, the pure one, Dream Theater,symphony X and whatever else can be categorized like that... :puke:
well, at least i can pretend i'm sophisticated and superior now :loco:
Prog Metal...though typically the so called "prog" metal gets on my nerves. I love truly progressive metal like Maudlin of the Well, Pan-Thy-Monium, and such, but the bands labeled as "prog" metal usually annoy me, though there are exceptions (I like Dream Theater at times).