QUIZ: Will you recognize the PPV band members?

Without looking at the quiz, I can tell you that I'll know the members of Sav, and maybe Kahn. After that, they could be any other attendee. Guess I'm just not a fan-boy.

I had a nightmare last night that I forgot to bring cds and liner notes to get signed. That was scary.

Anyway, I can recognize band people, but not necessarily what band they're actually in. Maybe if I ask what songs they're playing, I can puzzle it out. I can get Tobias Sammet, the semi-bald guy from Edguy, Zak and John from Savatage, Nils from Wuthering Heights, and Thomas and Roy from Kamelot. I might recognize a few Into Eternity guys too. Anyway, that's what autograph sessions are for.

I remember running into Mike Teranna last year: "Hey, you look like that drummer from Rage". "I AM the drummer from Rage, actually".