Quo Vadis, Martyr, Novembre

Utuk Xul

Demon Spawn
Feb 13, 2002
The 9th level of Hell
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I just placed orders for two albums by each of these bands. I heard some samples and like them alot(hence my ordering of 6 CDs).

The thing is, there is not alot of info on these. Anybody ever hear these bands? What are your opinions on them?
I enjoy Quo Vadis a whole lot. an excellent band

Martyr is a pretty cool technical band but I dont like them a lot but they are good.

Novembre is pretty cool too I have 2 of their cds. alot of Opeth comparisons but i dont think they sound similar
well, martyr is my favorite death metal band next to immolation
quo vadis fucking rule too, both bands are from quebec, fucking metal central of canada ahaha
I think im one of the few people although who enjoyed quo vadis's debut (forever) better than day into night. that said, on the shores of ithaka is an amazing song

as for novembre, i heard their stuff a while back, and i found it pretty boring
I'm going to see Martyr and Quo Vadis the same night Novembre 7 or 8...can't wait! Should be a great show, both bands are excellent :)
I'm amazed these bands don't have better distribution. I had to buy the Quo Vadis CDs from damn Amazon for $19 each. I did manage to get the Martyr and Novembre CDs from Century Media for substanially cheaper, but I'm really surprised The End Records didn't have these though.
Quo vadis have Forever ... (1996), Day Into Night (2000) and Passage In Time (2001). Passage in time is not a real album though...it contains 3 unreleased old song from 1995, 2 live songs, a videoclip, a new song and some other stuff. :)
I only have a CD by Novembre. Yes, they are very good but sound nothing like Opeth. They have gothic metal passages with clean vocals and black metalish passages with black metal style vocals. The only parallel I can see to Opeth is that they have mellow parts with clean vocals and heavy parts with screamed vocals in the same song.