Quo Vadis - Thoughts?


New Metal Member
Aug 14, 2002
Calgary, Alberta
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Just recently got to know about Quo Vadis, band from Montreal Canada(Yay =) hard to find good bands from my country *Country music central my city*).

Very good. Fast paced, good vocals, awesome drumming and guitar. Just wondering if you all ever heard of them? I have never seen any thread about them.

Some songs I strongly recommend you get from them(In list of my favourite.)

1) Point of no return
2) Hunter Killer
3) On the shores of Ithaka

Think any CoB fan should check these out.

roche sur le métal du Canada! :cool:
I have known about Quo Vadis for a VERY long time! I have all their cds the best one is day into night.... I enjoy their music VERY much!