Quotes From Powerfest 2008


\m/ \m/
Jan 3, 2002
Suburbs of Chicago
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I saw this on the ProgPower forum last year so I figured I'd snatch the idea.

I'll start:

"There are two things worth living for: Victoria's Secret and Rachel's refrigerator"

-Anonymous to me (I can't remember who said this! May have been Ray from Eden's Fall)

"This is not bratwurst! ...but it's still good"

-Klas from Darkane to me after he took his first bite of one of my brats. Sorry dude, I know us silly Americans make them differently than they do in Germany!:lol:

So let's hear 'em!
By "The Invisible Guest" at Wendys watching the horrible service.

"There's no fire. No fire at all. I don't see a sense of urgency."

That phrase was used by a few of us all weekend. It was easily applied to so many things.

We were watching Turasis during their Paganfest performance on Thursday near the back of the bar. Lance King walked back toward his booth from watching the band.

Lance: "These guys are great...I need to start a folk-metal band."
Some dude standing behind Eric and I during Testament:
"Fuckin' A!"

Eric: (who just moved here from Germany and is still learning American slang):
"He keep saying 'Fuckin' A'....Vaht dos these mean?"


Me after walking into the hotel room bathroom of a room occupied by three dudes:
"Who the Hell dropped the chalupa!???"
Excuse me guys, you forgot to pay your bill!

Dude from Denny's chasing after me and my buddy as we stumbled out to the Denny's parking lot on Friday night. Honest mistake, really.
Dan and Pirate-Hat Guy (can't remember his name) (At Denny's after Friday) almost coming to blows over whether or not Eli Whitney was influential.

I think it was Jose who said "I didn't see you during Ion Vein's set, but I sure as hell heard you yelling 'Faith and Majesty!'"

Al from IV and his "Metal Televangelist" spiel was downright hilarious.

Trying to start a "Brian Gordon's Van!" chant during IV's set.

Harley and Chelle and their ongoing discussion of potential sponsors for next year's PF was a hoot, too.

- R
Tim from SuidAkrA while we were at 77th and Cicero picking up their gear from Sam Ash -

"There are a lot of black people around here"
Short convo between My husband Rick and C-Lo:

Rick: Hey c@ck hat!

C-Lo: hahahaha......c@ck hat.....niiiice :lol:
Moreover I, my son, have attentively observed mankind, in what a dismal state of ruin they are. And I have been amazed that they are not utterly prostrated by the calamities which surround them, and that even their wars are not enough for them, nor the pains they endure, nor the diseases, nor the death, nor the poverty; but that, like savage beasts, they must needs rush upon one another in their enmity, trying which of them shall inflict the greater mischief on his fellow. For they have broken away from the bounds of truth, and transgress all honest laws, because they are bent on fulfilling their selfish desires; for, whensoever a man is eagerly set on obtaining that which he desires, how is it possible that he should fitly do that which it behoves him to do? and they acknowledge no restraint, and but seldom stretch out their hands towards truth and goodness, but in their manner of life behave like the deaf and the blind. Moreover, the wicked rejoice, and the righteous are disquieted. He that has, denies that he has; and he that has not, struggles to acquire. The poor seek help, and the rich hide their wealth, and every man laughs at his fellow. Those that are drunken are stupefied, and those that have recovered themselves are ashamed. Some weep, and some sing; and some laugh, and others are a prey to care. They rejoice in things evil, and a man that speaks the truth they despise.

Should a man, then, be surprised when the world is seeking to wither him with its scorn, seeing that they and he have not one and the same manner of life? "These" are the things for which they care. One of them is looking forward to the time when in battle he shah obtain the renown of victory; yet the valiant perceive not by how many foolish objects of desire a man is led captive in the world. But would that for a little while self-repentance visited them! For, while victorious by their bravery, they are overcome by the power of covetousness. For I have made trial of men, and with this result: that the one thing on which they are intent, is abundance of riches. Therefore also it is that they have no settled purpose; but, through the instability of their minds, a man is of a sudden cast down from his elation of spirit to be swallowed up with sadness. They look not at the vast wealth of eternity, nor consider that every visitation of trouble is conducting us all alike to the same final period. For they are devoted to the majesty of the belly, that huge blot on the character of the vicious.

(MBS 19-24)

A quote, but not a PF quote.

Just testing to see if I've been banned or not. I guess not (yet). ;)