Quotes From Powerfest 2008

My roomies telling me Saturday morning about their adventures at White Castle after leaving the Friday Super 8 party (I ended up crashing at the 8 for a few hours and catching a ride back to our hotel in the morning)...they had the 30-pack Crave Case, and there were still some left inside, not to mention the ones strewn around the room in odd places....

Red: "This place has the free breakfast, we should put the leftover Friday night burgers out for the Sunday morning breakfast crowd."
Rev:"Oh man, they're already kinda crusty, they'd be rancid by then, out of refrigeration all that time. That's nasty. That absolutely MUST HAPPEN."
RJ:" HELLBURGERS!!!!!!!!!"
Ewww nasty. Of course you didn't actually go through with that, right? :)

Are you Eden's Fall Ray's friend from Ohio who had the upper level spot during Testament? That was a good spot. Thanks to you, Ray, and Danimal for letting my try to get in for a couple of fotos. It was just to crowded though. Too much movement = fuzzy pics. Sorry about my camera bag dangling over your head too, and I hope I didn't step on you at all. I was trying to avoid that while leaning forward for some shots but as soon as Ray and Dan moved out so I could try to lean over you for the shots, the other guys to the left and right just spread out. It sucked. I'm glad the show was a great success but I guess we lose some of the intimacy of the less crowded shows we've come to know and love.

As for quotes, I recall a lot of conversation taking place during Powerfest weekend but I can't seem to recall any specific PF quotes from inside the venue. I could probably paraphrase things remembered from conversations but not exact quotes.

Oh, and I'm glad I'm not banned. Thanks CRJ! :D
Yep, that was me, but I am actually from Pennsylvania. I was getting tired of standing so during Suidakra I decided to sit, which I figured would work out well for Ray and Dan who were standing with/behind me...that gave them a better view. A couple songs into Testament I was finally ready to stand again but having some difficulty with my feet having fallen asleep! Lucky for the railing to lean on, I darned sure couldn't have walked!! Yes, I recall being bopped in the head a few times with the cam bag... but the thing that was ticking me off up there was----
There was a guy and a kid, about 10 or 12 yr old--don't know if that was his son/nephew/ "Big Brother pairup" or whatever...but from the start of the show, they were there, and were very nice, decent people, we talked some. Everyone coming up there after the start of the show were trying to squeeze in on that corner, and looking at that kid as an easy target to nudge out of the way, especially when the guy with him would leave to use the restroom or go to get him a pop to drink. I spent all night kinda looking after that kid, because I didn't want some rude idiot trying to muscle in on him. I'm a big girl. Those rude folks weren't going to move me easily. :) So if I looked miffed at all, that was why. (Gotta take care of the next generation of headbangers, right??!!)
I thought you looked familiar, and that I met you a few years back at JJKelley's...I think it was the Eden's Fall/Twelfth Gate/November's Doom show in 2005....
And no, the guys didn't end up putting out the burgers for the Sunday breakfast...we were trying to hurry out early to drop off Rev at the airport to get back to Buffalo. There were some characters who those guys had met at White Castle that night who came back to the room to party and left like half a case of Keystone beer behind (eeew!) -- so the guys did end up putting that out, as none of us would claim dibs on it!
It's not like you really want to take that stuff with you on a plane either. :lol:

I do recall the Kelley's show now and that you're from PA, not OH. I met some others from OH (booB and eppst1).

I know what you mean on the tired of standing thing. By the end of that weekend I felt like setting it all down somewhere but I usually don't like to stay in one place too long. Good on you for standing your ground there upstairs. In that kind of unrelenting situation it's mandatory if you want to see anything. Actually, on Friday I had a bit of luck upstairs on the left side squatting down for some pics between two dudes who were not going to budge otherwise during Iced Earth's set. Had to shoot between those horizontal railing bars on top of squatting down. I was amazed those pics weren't shit like ones from the Testament set. :erk:

(Gotta take care of the next generation of headbangers, right??!!)

Indeed, and the short old farts like me.

I don't think I ever tried Keystone back in the drinking days. That bad, eh?