Qwallath greets the regulars...

Qwallath of Endoryan

Natural Mystic
Jun 20, 2002
Greetings All...

I thought I might want to spend some of my coppers at the forum of one of my favorite artists...

This is basically an introduction of myself, for anyone who is interested.

I like Vintersorg (and Otyg) a lot (obviously). Besides that my musical interests include:

Doom Metal (Funeral, Death/Doom)
Black Metal (anything raw/folky)
Folk Metal
Folk and Neofolk (Gjallarhorn, Empyrium, Of the Wand and the Moon)

I am also interested in Scandinavina language and culture.

I am a staff member of doom-metal.com and a regular on it's forum.

Besides music I make photographs and computer edits.
If you're interested, check out my homepage for pictures...

well, that's about it.


Originally posted by Qwallath of Endoryan

Doom Metal (Funeral, Death/Doom)
Black Metal (anything raw/folky)
Folk Metal
Folk and Neofolk (Gjallarhorn, Empyrium, Of the Wand and the Moon)

I am also interested in Scandinavina language and culture.

wow, that sounds a lot like me! welcome here! (al weer een nederlander! :) )
Hey! You all talk dutch! :(

likt mn gathaar ies af!
Al jullie aartslelijke kezen met jullie paardemuilen en scheve
tanden zijn te dom om engels te praten zeker? Praat engels of
hou je domme scheve muil jullie kloothommels of ik kom persoonlijk
vanuit Norwegen op jullie bek timmeren!!!!!!

krijg de klere, stomme oerdomme hollanders, al jullie kezen zijn klotedom!

(grapje) :grin: :grin: :grin: ;)

Welkom, Qwallath of Endoryan! :grin:
@lordenlill::lol: man, everyone seems to talk dutch! but not very polite, ähem! well, your right about the "paardenmuilen"! at least Ymir has one! just look at his avatar!:lol:

@deadwinterdead:"willkommen" is german! in dutch that's "welkom"! but not bad!:) :D :) :D