R.I.P Dogbane guitarist David Ellenburg

J. Golden

Heaven and Hell Records
Oct 12, 2009
I hesitated on posting this here but it is the only forum I really go to.


Yesterday around 4pm EST I flew in to D.C. from JFK airport; setting on the plane I read a featured Dogbane article in a advanced copy of the upcoming Decibel magazine. When I landed I thought one more flight and I will be home and can return to some sort of normalcy and rest. During my layover I received a call from Dogbane’s guitarist Mitch Allred informing me that Dogbane’s other guitarist David Ellenburg had just passed away that day a little after 4:00pm.
Hundreds of thoughts began to flood my mind; thoughts about Dave, the band, the future, and how unfair life is that this man who wanted so badly for people to hear his music that only when it began it was suddenly quieted.
I only knew David for about a year but over that short time he had become a friend. He was the kind of guy that made one feel that you had known him for years. David was one of the nicest, humblest, and most easy going guys I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. Many of nights we would chat for hours about music and his desire to have people hear his band. And the support and encouragement he gave me and the label meant so much to me, I will never forget it or him. –J. Golden
The response has been pretty overwhelming for such a small band that was just making some noise. It is really nice to see things like this; "Of all the “traditional metal” albums that have come out in the past year, one that’s snuck up on a lot of us here at Decibel is Residual Alcatraz, the debut by Greensboro, North Carolina’s Dogbane. Not only did the album get a positive review recently, but also we were honored to profile the band in this month’s issue. They’re a good bunch of guys who have a deep appreciation for the kind of classic metal a lot of us grew up with in the early 1980s." - Decibel Magazine
