R.I.P. Jared Anderson

metalskater7 said:
Who the fuck made you the international definer? You will do no such thing, because you're an ass. And in this world asses have no say in anything.
Precisely the reason this argument reminds me of talking to trees!
lordofthesewers said:
i think that if you offtopic threads that are with RIP, you are a plain asshole, and show no respect to whomever died.
Well, thank you for voicing your esteemed opinion. Now go back to being a dirty arab and blow something up.
metalskater7 said:
Well, thank you for voicing your esteemed opinion. Now go back to being a dirty arab and blow something up.
somethings should be let ontopic. And you can go fuckyourself.
And i'm gonna blow up your mom's vagina
and conquer all, you are as bad as he is, because, it takes two people to maintain a flame.
lordofthesewers said:
somethings should be let ontopic. And you can go fuckyourself.
And i'm gonna blow up your mom's vagina
and conquer all, you are as bad as he is, because, it takes to people to maintain a flame.
Hey, you can terrorize the world, but please don't terrorize our languages with your bad grammar.
Oh no, a RIP thread was brought off topic. Its the end of the world as we know it as he is not being mourned properly and in a very serious manner in an internet forum...


I really don't even know wtf a jared anderson is other then the fact he was in hate eternal. But ya know, if he was in a band named "Hate Eternal", i'm pretty sure he wouldn't want to rest in peace...