R.I.P Jason McCash (ex - Gates of Slumber)


Doom On!
Apr 14, 2004
West Burbs of Chicago
I am sure most have heard by now that former (founding member) bassist of Gates of Slumber Jason McCash passed away last Saturday. This was terrible news to read when I came home from Ragnarokkr.

I usually don't comment on the passing of a musician, esp since most online feel people are just jumping on the bandwagon and want to all of a sudden act like a lifelong fan....

I feel here I can express my thoughts on the matter since most know I have been a fan of TGOS since I first saw them at the first Alehorn.

While I wouldn't say I was close friends with Jason, I have spoken with him many times online (thru Hellride and Facebook primarily) as well as in person at their shows. We actually both have a lot in common (late 30s, play bass, love doom and midwest punk, book shows, and love Voivod!) Also, he was rather introverted in person.

Last year when a replacement was needed for Split Heaven, TGOS was the first band I recommended to Odin. It seemed like a good fit. Hour of 13 had already canceled leaving a hole for doom on the mainstage, and they would be driving from Indy. I contacted Jason who based on the lineup were extremely stoked to play. They didn't ask for anything more than gas $$$. The day they played they showed up early and hung out and watched all the second stage bands. He gave me honest feedback about AD. Him and the rest of the Gates guys are all TRUE metal fans. They don't just go to a show to play their set and leave.

Anyhow, his death has been weighing on me since I first heard the news. While the true cause of death is unknown, it has been no secret from the man himself that he has been struggling with addiction.

Doom on, Jason McCash!!!! :kickass:
Chad/Ho13 posted a brand new and the last ever Hour of 13 track written in Jason McCash's memory.

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I'd known Jason since around 2003 when Penance played with this new band The Gates of Slumber at the Born Too Late Festival in Rochester, NY. Our paths crossed many times over the years at fests or when TGOS would come to Pittsburgh to play. He was always quick with a hug hello, was always fun to be around, passionate about his Colts, a gentlemen and a great musician - true fan of music. I was in the hallway late Saturday/early Sunday morning when my buddy messaged the news to me. It has shaken me and I feel awful for his family and friends who knew and loved him best. Much too young to die. I'll miss seeing him and I'll miss his contributions to metal.
Unfortunately, I never had the pleasure of meeting Jason, but I saw him play with TGOS several times and they all seemed like standout gentleman. I remember Karl coming up to me after our set at last years fest and saying that we ruled, and I remember drunkenly chatting with Iron Bob about stupid shit. TGoS turned into one of my all time favorite doom bands, and I am sadden to hear of his loss.

"You aren't doing it for money. You are not doing it for popularity. You are doing it because you love it...When you are 70 years old and you look back on your life and you say 'wow, I'm glad I payed that cable bill' no. I walked around the streets of Finland at 2:00 in the morning."

I love that quote.
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