R.I.P. Les Paul

Shit sucks, such a massively underated inventor, but came up with stuff that truely changed music. RIP

RIP Les Paul.
I bet Gibson will launch a shitload of completely awesome customshop tribute guitars now.
true genius. I don´t see it as that much "sad", he had a full life and did so much meaningfull things in his life, he died of 94. I mean it´s always sad when a good, important person dies, but I guess it was his time, not actually a "tragedy" I would say. To me tragedy is like a death that shouldn´t have happened
true genius. I don´t see it as that much "sad", he had a full life and did so much meaningfull things in his life, he died of 94. I mean it´s always sad when a good, important person dies, but I guess it was his time, not actually a "tragedy" I would say. To me tragedy is like a death that shouldn´t have happened

Yeah, I hardly think he could've had many regrets (specifically about things he wished he had done) considering all he accomplished, and that's really the only time a death is truly sad IMO! (well, sad in one sense, it's still of course sad for the people who cared about him who live on)
haha, that cat avatar cracks me up :D

true genius. I don´t see it as that much "sad", he had a full life and did so much meaningfull things in his life, he died of 94. I mean it´s always sad when a good, important person dies, but I guess it was his time, not actually a "tragedy" I would say. To me tragedy is like a death that shouldn´t have happened

true words